Police Appreciation Day tomorrow; also a chance to help today


For us, one HUGE reason we appreciate the Southwest Precinct and its law-enforcement team is the fact that they have trailblazed a new path to community partnership through their working relationship and info-sharing with WSB (shown above, your editor and young assistant with a few of the officers on Summer Fest detail keeping watch after a weekend full of lost kid/parent reunions and other actions that helped keep the festival VERY safe and pleasant for all). 99% of their time, of course, it’s a vastly more dangerous task, like the bank robbery/shooting two weeks ago and this West Seattle standoff a few months back:


And the most dramatic evidence of what officers face: The case of what happened to Officer Jason McKissack. All these guys and gals are out there (and at the precinct behind-the-scenes) doing an often-thankless job, so tomorrow’s a chance to offer in-person thanks. We’ll be there for the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council-organized Police Appreciation Day tomorrow and hope you will stop by too – any time between 10 am and 8 pm (so come by after work if you don’t have time till then), at the Southwest Precinct, northwest corner of Delridge/Webster, east of Home Depot. And if you have a chance to help with preparations today, there’s a WSB Forum thread right now to rustle up more donations of snacks and drinks for the event; check that out here.

1 Reply to "Police Appreciation Day tomorrow; also a chance to help today"

  • Irukandji July 14, 2008 (2:20 pm)

    Thank you Tracy! No takers yet on the North Admiral pickup. Donations can go directly to the precinct this afternoon or during the day tomorrow. We are dropping off goods this afternoon, and will stop by the event sometime tomorrow afternoon.

    Thanks to the Officers who helped to apprehend the 37th Ave. repeat burglars!

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