Designer chosen for Delridge skatepark, 2 days before 1st meeting

Just out of the WSB inbox from Nancy Folsom:

Kelly Davidson, Project Manager for Seattle Parks and Recreation, just sent
me the news that Grindline ( has been
selected as the DCC skate park designer.

It’s great news. I was fortunate to be on the interview board last Tuesday
along with Matt Johnston–SeattleSkateParks.Org, Susan Golub–Seattle Parks
Projects & Planning, and Kelly. All the candidates were strong, but I felt
Grindline was the strongest. The company is local to West Seattle and is
passionately committed both to the sport and to the Delridge neighborhood.

I hope the community brings their most positive ideas Wednesday night for
the first public design meeting. This development has the potential to be a
stellar community resource. As neighbor, I want this to be a fantastic
project, and it will take all of us working together.

The meeting is Wednesday from 7:30 – 9 p.m. at Delridge
Community Center, 4501 Delridge Way SW.

3 Replies to "Designer chosen for Delridge skatepark, 2 days before 1st meeting"

  • Nate July 28, 2008 (1:49 pm)

    Here’s a May 2005 article from the Stranger profiling Grindline with some interesting stuff about West Seattle. Any local skaters from the early-90s want to share some stories from their early designs around the neighborhood?

  • Pete July 28, 2008 (4:48 pm)

    I want to encourage all of our Delridge neighborhoods to come out in force to support this wonderful new asset that we will be getting. It is important that we show that our commmunity is behind this pooject.

  • kmw July 28, 2008 (6:14 pm)

    I’m so glad to hear that this is going forward at the Delridge location. As a member of the wider West Seattle neighborhood, I was really disappointed that so many were against a skate park at the Myrtle Reservoir site. Hurray for Delridge!

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