As you might recall, for our first year as organizers of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (the 4th-annual edition was this past Saturday), we added a couple contests to the mix, asking entrants to e-mail us photo entries by mid-afternoon today. That big bag of duck decoys shown above is the “Most Unusual Item” winner (open to shoppers as well as sellers) — Pam (who writes Nerd’s Eye View) reports she found it at the alley sale near 37th/Holden. Pam gets a Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) card. Meanwhile, we promised two prizes in the contest with the most entries, and that was “Best Sign” — our winners are:
Cheryl gets the Illusions Hair Design (WSB sponsor) gift certificate for that sign promoting the sale that raised money for her upcoming participation in the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk (Sept. 12-14; her fundraising page is here; you’ll recall the 3-Day came thru West Seattle last year – WSB coverage here). (P.S. Cheryl says teammate and garage=sale-mate Jana Sorsen made the sign; here’s Jana’s 3-Day page.) And the other “Best Sign” winner:
That’s Val, who proudly reports about her sign, “Please note: all materials used were recycled from a party a couple of years ago, nothing was purchased!” Val gets a gift certificate from the new Body Bar dayspa. And we have one more bonus prize:
Ashley, who joined other sellers in the Hotwire courtyard, was the only person to enter BOTH contests; we have a Hotwire coffee card for her too. The photo shows her beautifully lettered sign (her candidate for “Most Unusual Item” was betta-fish tanks she offered for sale). Congratulations to all (we’ll e-mail the winners to make arrangements for delivering prizes); thanks to Hotwire, Illusions, and Body Bar for donating the prizes; thanks to everyone who was part of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day; stand by for an online survey we’ll be setting up within a few days, and mark your calendar for the 5th annual WSCGSD on May 9, 2009!