Welcoming the newest WSB sponsor: Fauntleroy Church

May 19, 2008 10:10 pm
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 |   West Seattle online | West Seattle religion

We’re welcoming a new sponsor tonight — Fauntleroy Church (UCC), currently counting down to its centennial celebration (last month, we brought you this video feature previewing the daily bell-ringing that’s under way till the big party in late July). churchlogo.jpgAs is WSB custom, we offered the folks at Fauntleroy Church a chance to tell you what they’d like you to know about themselves, and here’s what we received from the team led by Senior Pastor David Kratz: “We’re delighted to be one of the advertisers for the West Seattle Blog. We appreciate how hard they are working to keep the community informed about issues and events. This year Fauntleroy Church, United Church of Christ is celebrating its 100th anniversary. From our beginning as ‘the Chapel at Fauntleroy Park’ in 1908, until today, we’ve been an integral part of the West Seattle community. Our spectacular window at the front of the sanctuary has been an inviting place to have literally thousands of weddings, of members and non-members alike. Our Little Pilgrim School serves over 80 children, ages 2 to 5. And, our relationship with the West Seattle/Fauntleroy YMCA continues to serve the wider community, for over 80 years. This year we begin phase one of a major capital remodeling with the replacement of our sanctuary window, which, over the last 55 years, has suffered significant structural damage. It will look the same, but will meet code requirements and provide a wonderful view of God’s creation for the next 100 years. The work will be completed at the end of August. You can learn more about who we are and what we do at www.fauntleroyucc.org.” Thanks to Fauntleroy Church for choosing to sponsor WSB; if you would like to look into the possibility of doing that too, here’s the place to start (that page also includes our full current list of sponsors, all of whom thank you — as do we — for your support!).

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