Update: Work parties to fix up WS house for Addie Killam

addie.jpgA month and a half after we first told you about the bizarre surfing injury that left West Seattle native Addie Killam disabled (original WSB report here) — we have two updates: First, Addie is undergoing rehab in a western Colorado hospital and could return to West Seattle sometime next month. Second – work parties are happening today, tomorrow, and Sunday, as well as later this month, to get a West Seattle house wheelchair-accessible for Addie’s homecoming. Full details — including when help is needed, where it’s needed, who to call if you can help, plus a link for a donation fund — are all on this website that’s just been set up.

29 Replies to "Update: Work parties to fix up WS house for Addie Killam"

  • WestwoodWriter May 16, 2008 (12:37 pm)

    I really hope Addie is a better neighbor than (the) band of hooligans who trashed up our neighborhood for a year, got us listed on RottenNeighbor.com, and had repeatedly loud, obnoxious parties that always ended with a call to 911 or the non-emergency number for the police. (Comment amended by WSB editors)

  • WestwoodWriter May 16, 2008 (12:40 pm)

    And, I hope she doesn’t get shot at by the drive-by shooter [from] a few weeks ago.

  • wssince77 May 16, 2008 (1:34 pm)

    I hope that Addie’s new neighbors welcome her with warmth and open arms and show her that they are not so quick to judge her based on the previous resident of her home. This is a difficult time for her and the last thing she needs is over-dramatic, cynical, neighbors who are unable to see this as a new start for Addie and for that neighborhood. C’mon, WW, lighten up! Your problem neighbor has moved away. Be positive for once! And get your facts straight. It wasn’t a drive-by shooting.

  • rockergirl May 16, 2008 (1:37 pm)

    WestwoodWriter – so sorry to hear that you had trouble with the former tenants. Never easy when you have to deal with outrageous neighbors. Now though that it appears that new tenants with a need for help will be occupying the house would you care to lend a hand and help improve your neighborhood and someone who is in need. As you can see there is a need for $ and labor. Feel free to donate, stop by and pitch in.

  • WestwoodWriter May 16, 2008 (2:39 pm)

    The previous residents … were SO horrible so consistently that I will have to meet Addie and make up my mind. I’ll try to keep an open mind, but I’m NOT the only neighbor in my ‘hood who will be VERY wary of new family tenants in this particular house. Check the Seattle Police reports, ok? (comment amended by WSB editors)

  • WestwoodWriter May 16, 2008 (2:43 pm)

    Also, if the last thing she needs is “over-dramatic” [have you been awakened in the middle of the night by street-fights –MONTHLY– right down the street from your house?!], “cynical” [based on a YEAR –350+ days– of LOUD parties, litter in my yard, street fights, and a SHOOTING!!] neighbors then she should keep (the previous tenants) as far AWAY as possible. That house is a BAD place for a “fresh” start. (comment amended by WSB editors)

  • cmc May 16, 2008 (4:06 pm)

    What am I missing here…..what is westwood writer talking about?

  • rockergirl May 16, 2008 (4:28 pm)

    That house is the place she has to go to since she is currently a parapalegic in a wheelchair due to this unfortunate accident – her family home can not easily be modified for someone in a wheel chair. It will hopefully be a place where she, her family and many friends, who will be caring for her, can continue to mend from the tragedy that has befallen them. While I realize you were not happy with the former tenant as you can see from all who are volunteering to help remodel this house Addie is a very well loved and respected young lady. Rest assured the days of middle of the night drama is over at this house.
    Send good thoughts, money, labor and love Addies way please. :)

  • Beaboveit May 16, 2008 (4:38 pm)

    WestwoodWriter – what a terribly sad person you must be to vent your disappointment in this manner. You certainly could have taken the high road and simply put that you were happy to see a new tenant (vs. the old one) but seriously, why comment at all, I mean how old are you? For the public to see? Grow some class and if you are seriously concerned (about your “hood”)then go over, pick up a paint brush and help out. Be involved with your community. I am sure you wouldn’t want to be blamed for the errors of your family members would you? I am sure you will have more to say, of which unless it is something nice, I have no cares to read. I have better things to do with my time like help this wonderful family out.

  • WSB May 16, 2008 (10:48 pm)

    When we received the request to post about the work parties, we had no idea this was a house with history – we didn’t crossreference the address, and there was nothing mentioned in the information we received. WW has the right to post about it – it is SOP for news sites to enable reader comments, and as you will see on almost any comment thread on any news site big or small, you never know where the discussion is going to go. In this case, we have edited out the identification of a particular person allegedly involved, as we have no way to check the back reports for those specifics. But at this point, we would like to note that the purpose of this post was to let people know about the work parties, so that as with the many other requests for help that we post on WSB daily, people can make up their minds whether or not they want to or are able to help, for whatever reason. In this case, whatever the previous history of the house, the bottom line is that this is about a young woman gravely injured and in need of community help to try to rebuild her life. — TR

  • WestwoodWriter May 17, 2008 (12:22 pm)

    I’m truly disappointed that you chose to remove my most recent post about the party hell-house. My post, which was a defense of the unwarranted, half-cocked attacks against me, was posted and is now gone. I know this family, and I do not think they are deserving of the halo the West Seattle Blog has put on their heads. I live on this block and am sharing my first-hand knowledge of the situation, but my opinion is obviously too controversial for people to even discuss civilly. I now know that every time I read the WSB, I’m not getting the full story, just the story you want me to read.

  • WSB May 17, 2008 (12:28 pm)

    As I explained to you in offsite e-mail, I have no proof of the identities of the people involved here and therefore I have chosen to remove that information. As site owners, as is clearly posted here, and as is SOP with any website or hard-copy publication, we reserve the right to disapprove, delete, or edit any comment at any time. As I have said, we exercise that right very sparingly, but this is an editorially controlled, professionally run news site and the same would have been done at any one of the dozen-plus news operations for which I have worked in the past 25-plus years. The discussion on this site is more free-wheeling than many other area sites but it’s not a free-for-all.

  • rockergirl May 17, 2008 (2:14 pm)

    The point of the “Work Parties” and plea for help – despite what anyone’s previous experiences with a former tenant were – it is now time to look ahead and try to make the best of a new situation. Addie and her parents have been active in the West Seattle community for a long time in various ways – helping others when they could and being good citizens. Now those of us who really know and love them are pitching in to help them out as best we can. Anyone who knows Addie can appreciate the fact that she does not deserve what has befallen her and we will do whatever we can to help her so she has a comfortable accessible place to live and recover. Anyone who wants to pitch in feel free to stop by whenever – your help is needed and appreciated. Lots of help is needed – yardwork, deck construction, cement work, painting, carpeting, etc. all still to be done. Donations of cash, food, supplies are so appreciated as well. Thanks to all who are supporting Addie and her family, we love you!

  • Beaboveit May 17, 2008 (4:28 pm)

    MAJOR, MAJOR Kudos go out to those in the neighborhood who came by in the hot weather to introduce themselves and buy a .50 cent glass of lemonade from my 7 year old to benefit Addie’s fund. Even though there is one neighbor who can’t seem to rise above it, it is nice to see that there are so many who are and who are so supportive and welcoming. It seems like Addie will be very welcome in this neighborhood by her community.

  • HighlandParker May 18, 2008 (1:26 am)

    Welcome to the neighborhood Addie! I look forward to meeting you when my husband and I return from a short vacation to the Peninsula. I hope your newly renovated house will provide you with a nice safe place to call home. We’ve lived on your new block for just over twenty years now. We look forward to answering any questions you have about local services and our community of neighbors. It’s a great neighborhood again now that the old tenants of your new house have moved out. I encourage you to call our local Police precinct and introduce yourself to Officer Topacio and the Southwest Crime Prevention Coordinator Benjamin Kinlow. They can bring you up to speed on the community meeting we had on April 29 to discuss the shooting at the corner where you’ll soon live. I’ve never seen so many neighbors turn out to share so many scary stories about the last year. The living room was packed with at least 15 neighbors. Best of luck getting settled in. We look forward to introducing ourselves to you and helping out with any last minute details!

  • Michaelle Crovisier May 18, 2008 (8:04 am)

    This post is for Addie, and “Addies Angels”. Today is sunscreen weather and the twins and I are looking forward to working working in the yard at the house. Addie we have met so many of your family friends and neighbors it has been imspriring to see the caring. It is plain to see the impact the Killam family has had in so many communities. YOU have many, many great friends! FYI Everyday your house it is filled with music and laughter! Looking forward to having you home, Love Mich

  • Bertha May 19, 2008 (9:06 am)

    Welcome to our block Addie! Please be assured WestwoodWriter in no way represents the residents in your new neighborhood. My family looks forward to meeting you and helping in anyway we can. This is a great block and I am very happy to have you join the crew!

  • Jack May 19, 2008 (4:21 pm)

    Dear WestwoodWriter, you were obviously hurt deeply by past events occurring at this particular house. Your trepidation about the new tenant is understandable. Usually when one is without knowledge about a situation they have fear and doubt. I can see that you do not have full knowledge about what is happening at this house because of your harsh skepicism.

    My recommendation to you is to introduce yourself to our new neighbor. Become a part of the solution instead of inciting others to rally around your fear. I live on this block. Please don’t include me in your callous judgement about this house or family.

    The FORMER tenant of this house is 22. This is a very young age to be responsible to a house and a neighborhood. The activities are no different than if they lived at a Frat house. I know we certainly don’t want a Frat house on our block but I understand where this kind of activity comes from.

    Meeting and educating the tenant as to how his activities impact the neighborhood might have helped determine his actions rather than complaining to the WSB. I am proud of the former tenant for his choice to move on and we will be getting a new neighbor.

    The incident involving the shooting was unfortunate. Perhaps if we had all gone and introduced ourselves to the tenant or owner of the property and made our concerns known then maybe there would have been cooperation. I like to think giving someone the benefit of doubt is better than assuming the worst. I don’t know the former tenant and don’t know what his reaction would have been. I would like to think that if we were pro-active we would have gotten positive results.

    This tenant attended our block watch meeting and was appreciated by those who also attended. His attendance at the block watch meeting tells me he has some remorse and responsibility towards his behavior.

    I don’t know what you hoped to achieve with what you wrote. I hope you can see your way clear to helping out the current tragic situation of this young woman who is to be our new neighbor instead of perpetuating fear in something that occured in the past.

    Please come to our next block watch meeting and get to know your neighbors. A lot of people showed up to the last one. If you had the support of your neighbors then maybe you won’t feel so alone in fighting problems that affect the rest of us as well.

    Please don’t let the actions of another cloud your opinion of our new neighbor. I hope she can feel like she is able call on all of us if she needs help instead of feeling rebuffed because of the history of the “house”. And likewise, I would like to know we could call on her if we need help. We can’t call on her if we sit in judgment of her.

    Welcome to our block new neighbor! I hope to meet you soon. –Jack

  • Katie May 21, 2008 (10:09 am)

    I am the girlfriend of the “noisy neighbor” and that is not true at all.The people that lived in the house being renovated for Addie are great people. Addie’s brother (my bf) that lived their did have parties with his roomate a fare few times but there was only a couple times when the police were called and noone was ever injured at any party. THere had been times when the noise level was out of control but easily taken care of and is not as bad as mentioned in the repulsive blog. I wish that everyone could just have Addie in their prayers and not lead into previous matters that arent significant to now. And Addie will be a joy to have in the neighborhood. BUT REMEMBER CRUDE NEIGHBOR…SHE IS A KILLAM JUST LIKE HER BROTHER!!! ITS FUNNY HOW THE UPSET NEIGHBOR NEVER SAID ANYTHING TO THE ACTUAL PREVIOUS RENTERS!!!! BUCK UP PEOPLE!!!

  • Katie May 21, 2008 (10:13 am)

    Oh Yes, the shooting was unfortunate, WAS NO DRIVE BY…THE SHOTS WERE IN THE AIR…NOONE WAS INJURED…Sorry that those shootings alarmed people on the block but ya know what, noone was hurt and that is the important thing….

  • Beaboveit May 21, 2008 (10:43 am)

    Katie – WestwoodWriter did write several comments which have been removed by the WSB as they alleged things that were not relevant to Addie and her situation and this story for the appeal to help. Believe me, the original posts made my blood boil as well, as I didn’t think that they provided any sort of positive resolution or impact on the previous or current situation. I totally understand being upset, as a friend of Addies and the family, I too was upset, you can tell by my first post. However, as you can see by the other posters, several of which are neighbors (HighlandParker, Bertha & Jack), they are welcoming Addie with open arms and are willing to assist her with what ever she needs.

    It is unfortunate that WestwoodWriter rather then handling their concerns, in a different manner, chose to do it in a public forum. I would like to hope though, when we have the welcome home party for Addie that the neighbors, including WestwoodWriter, will join us and everyone can move forward.

    Friends & Neighbors-
    Addie and her family as well as the wonderful group of “Addie’s Angels”, who have been giving countless hours of volunteer time, still need lots of support and help with work parties and donations, after all there is still a mortgage that has to be paid on this home.

    I encourage anyone who is interested in helping to please visit the linked site in the WSB story above which will give you all the information for work parties as well as donations.

  • WSB May 21, 2008 (10:55 am)

    Small clarification, we have not “removed” any comments. This is an open public forum, with some rules, but it is a place for discussion – and we very sparingly exercise our right to remove or edit any comment. In the case of Westwood Writer’s comments, the only thing we “removed” was a specific identification which since has been alluded to elsewhere anyway. One comment was not approved for publication as it too went into specific accusations that we had no verification of. As is the case on almost every news site, reader comments are allowed and you never quite know where they are going to go; if you want to see another example of the unexpected turn things can take, see the “Carving Out a Niche” post from last night which came to us as a reader report of a quirky neighborhood sighting and has since unearthed a long list of apparently longrunning neighborhood grievances regarding the house attached to the wood sculpture. It could be argued that it’s important to have a place to discuss the good, the bad, the ugly, the hope, the despair, the positive action, the negative concerns, whatever … as much of this isn’t being reported anywhere else, for better or for worse … as oposed to NOT discussing it, which just leaves everyone silently wondering what is going on. We are proud that many of the online discussions here in many areas have led to offline action and many people meeting each other and joining forces for community action in ways not previously undertaken, all toward making West Seattle a better place to live. We thank all of you for taking the time to read and share here, from all sides of various issues. — TR

  • Beaboveit May 21, 2008 (11:34 am)

    Sorry Tracy, should have wrote “amended” vs. “removed”.

  • Someone Unknown May 27, 2008 (10:26 am)

    West Wood Writer – If you hate your neighborhood so much then leave it. THis is about helping someone in need of help. So stop being such a sour puss and move on with your life. I wouldnt want to be your neighbor, it seems like all you DO is complain. Party neighbors = no fun, but please, hold on to that as long as you can.. it will do you good in the future huh? ;) I know Addie, and it will be a WHOLE different situation. Very nice lady, and VERY respectful. you will be happy with her as a neighbor!

  • Mike Emerson May 27, 2008 (8:27 pm)

    You can take concrete work off the “to-do” list. At least for now! I just worked with Jack, Ross, Richard and Addie’s dad to finish the front driveway…Thanks to Walker for bringing us up the hamburgers. Addie is well on her way to having a clear path to the front door!! Mike E.

  • Thrasher May 28, 2008 (11:38 am)

    It’s so nice to actually post up on a Blog for my sister as this is her time to shine like that huge sunny day that she is! It’s has been amazing to see the work parties come together as one. Every weekend with all sorts of new project’s on the drawing board. I’ve been spending the past several Satudays there with all the intention of making the corner of the hood a better place for all. Remeber blocks wouldn’t come together without the corners. I’m excited to see all of you “Addie-bo-baddies Angels” again this coming Satuday. It’s just been so amazing to see everyones contribution it really is WOW!

  • Cathy Miller May 30, 2008 (10:32 am)

    Do you want to be part of the final push for Addie’s extreme Home make over???
    We need volunteers badly this weekend. We only have 4 names signed up as of this writing.
    Work party this Sat. 5/31 and Sun. 6/1.
    10:00am – till we drop.
    Focus- finish the front deck rails, build the back deck and more inside dry walling and finishing touches.
    Does any one know how to finish Hardwoods??
    Call Michaelle @ 206-349-4663 or
    Dean/Cathy @ 360-341-1799
    To any of you that have been hanging back, this is the time to jump right in. Don’t be shy just give us a call.

  • A Memorial Day work party « SteveandAmanda.com June 3, 2008 (2:10 pm)

    […] when she arrives home from the hospital. (Her story and project news can be found here, here, and here.) Here’s the photos from our first work day, where we worked primarily on building a deck and […]

  • Beaboveit June 6, 2008 (8:54 am)


    Final touches are happening this weekend to get Addie’s home finished for her arrival home. There is still plenty of help needed-

    Call Michaelle @ 206-349-4663 or
    Dean & Cathy @ 360-341-1799

    Details on what we are working on this weekend can be found at the work party blog. There is also a really cool and inspirational video put together by Michaelle’s son!


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