Area to avoid right now, west of The Junction

Thanks to those who’ve texted us in the past few minutes about a big police presence with roadblocks just west of The Junction – described by one text as Genesee between 45th and 49th and Alaska, by another as 47th to 51st between Hudson and Juneau. We’re monitoring to see if we can figure out what it’s all about – sounds like some sort of search under way; no medic calls in the area so doesn’t appear to be anything that left someone hurt, or worse, at this point. 11:49 PM NOTE: Still no details on this … if we don’t get any tonight, we’ll let you know when we are able to find out from the precinct what it was about.

7 Replies to "Area to avoid right now, west of The Junction"

  • Jana May 16, 2008 (11:58 pm)

    Close your windows everyone!

  • changingtimes May 17, 2008 (10:25 am)

    wondering what this was about last night…..

  • Greg May 19, 2008 (9:01 am)

    Was there any more info about this that I missed?

  • WSB May 19, 2008 (9:33 am)

    I’m following up with the precinct this am and will post separately with whatever we find out.

  • rcrawley May 22, 2008 (10:16 am)

    Just dropping a to see if you were able to find anything. The police presence covered Erskine between and on Hudson (just West of the one-way section through 46th) and Dawson (also West of Erskine in the private drive). There was a good bit of police foot traffic, dog searches, 5+ cars, etc.

  • WSB May 22, 2008 (2:09 pm)

    Lt. Paulsen couldn’t tell me anything … it wasn’t major enough for upper management to get called out. Still hope to comb through the reports at some point but there’s a new system involving discs with PDFs of reports from the entire city and it’s a little more cumbersome so we’re continuing to strategize how to efficiently get and process the info … the discs seem to be kept on file at least a week so I have some possible hope of being able to look thru them tomorrow.

  • rcrawley May 22, 2008 (10:50 pm)

    Thanks for the update…and keeping up on the neighborhood. Much appreciated. :)

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