Another update on the DNC solicitors in West Seattle

As the second team of blue-shirted DNC solicitors in 2 nights walks past the WSB HQ window, we’re reminded we got an update from 34th District Democrats chair Ivan Weiss (backstory here and here):

Kim Postulart of the DNC’s marketing department says the solicitors should
be telling people at their doors that the money they raise does go toward local and state organizing efforts and helps fund local organizers.

I know for a fact that this is true. Several valued members of the WA state party staff are funded by the DNC.

Kim says the program will continue because the DNC nationwide has found it to be effective, but that people who prefer to donate to their local party organizations, who are their neighbors, are encouraged to do so.

She agreed that there are tradeoffs to the “one size fits all” model that the DNC uses, and agreed to keep the communication channels open. I told her I thought the model was flawed and that several people in West Seattle, who had e-mailed me at my request, found it counterproductive.

… I am satisfied that she has heard my concerns and takes them seriously. The DNC, like all good political organiozations, will be evaluating thesepractices and their effectiveness at the end of this campaign cycle, and we hope they’ll consider working more closely with local organizations to be more effective, and adapt their approach to local conditions a lot more than they are doing.

34th District residents are encouraged to call or e-mail me with any information on this effort. I have responded to every such contact and will continue to do so. We’re all neighbors.

Ivan Weiss

3 Replies to "Another update on the DNC solicitors in West Seattle"

  • Sue May 28, 2008 (7:39 pm)

    Do people seriously donate to or purchase things from people who go door to door? I don’t care who is at my door, or how legitimate it is, there is no way I would be pulling out money or signing contacts or whatever somebody wants. Mail it to me, leave me paperwork, let me do research, but this would have zero effectiveness for me. And it would leave a negative impression on me of the organization doing this. Counterproductive indeed!

  • MargL May 28, 2008 (7:50 pm)

    My mother was sitting on our front porch in Arbor Heights and said she saw some folks with blue shirts and clip-boards walk by the house – but they didn’t come up the walk – just waved “Hi”.
    We don’t give money to folks who just walk up to the door, even if it seems to be a legitimate cause. But these blue shirts seem pretty selective in their canvasing – unless they had come up to the door previously and saw the small ‘no soliciting’ sign above the doorbell.

  • mar3c May 29, 2008 (4:57 am)

    the party has a database of who has contributed to the dnc, so they can be selective in their canvassing.
    i’ve doorbelled my precinct and i always respect “no soliciting” signs.

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