From the Southwest Precinct Public Safety Newsletter just sent out by SWP Crime Prevention Coordinator Benjamin Kinlow – don’t miss the last paragraph:
The T9 Traffic Squad focuses on aggressive drivers. They drive the Dodge Charger Police cars. The T9 Squad, along with other members of the Traffic Section, issued the following school zone citations between September 01, 2007 through February 11, 2008:
* Arbor Heights – total – 94
65 Speed, 1 Pass School Bus, 28 other –
* Highland Park – total – -540
363 Speed, 4 Pass School Bus, 1 R/W Ped, 172 other
* Holy Family – total – 245
189 Speed, 1 Pass School Bus, 55 other
* Sanislo – total – 56
47 Speed, 9 other –
* Total – 935
Last week the T9 Squad started working the school zone at Gatewood Elementary in 7000 block of Fauntleroy. Yesterday Officer Cavin stopped a driver traveling 45 mph while using the center turn lane to pass 6 other cars in the 20 mph school zone. The driver said he was late getting to the Ferry Terminal. He was cited for Reckless Driving.