day : 09/02/2008 5 results

You want hope? See what ELSE happened in WS today!

At our caucus, so many said they yearn for hope. Want some now? Before and after caucusing, we visited other events where people gave their time today to make West Seattle a better place:Read More

Caucus reports and results, frequently updated (add yours!)

7:10 PM, FINAL UNOFFICIAL 34TH DISTRICT DEMOCRATIC RESULTS: The 34th District Democrats’ site says: 70% Obama, 28% Clinton. State Democrat results are here; state Republican results are here. Coverage below shows all previous updates, oldest to newest.

ORIGINAL 3:13 PM REPORT: Just back from our caucus (at Denny Middle School). Topline on our precinct caucus: About 40 participants (more than twice what we had when caucusing with the same precinct four years ago); we started with a proportion of votes equal to 2 Obama delegates, 1 Clinton delegate, 1 undecided; ended with 3 Obama delegates (to the district convention) and 1 Clinton delegate. P.S. This photo just in from Tim, who caucused at Arbor Heights Elementary and says the lunch room was so packed they expanded to classrooms (same thing at Denny):


ADDED AT 4:19 PM: Thanks for the delegate results you’re posting comments. Keep ’em coming. Note the 34th DD results update link. Meantime, here’s another Arbor Heights Elementary photo, from Jeff:


ADDED 4:34 PM: Yes, there are Republicans in West Seattle. The line to get into the GOP caucuses at Southwest Community Center was literally down the stairs and out the door:


ADDED 4:43 PM: WSB contributing photojournalist Matt Durham sends these photos from Gatewood Elementary: First, State Sen. Joe McDermott during the pre-caucus sign-in:


You can figure out who Sarah Lehoch and Terrence Veccavo were supporting:


Here, Matt photographed 3-month-old Waverly Davis:

Copies of Matt’s WSB photos and his other work are available at his site, Meantime, we received another photo of a very young caucus attendee — this is Melissa‘s 4-month-old:


4:55 PM ADDITION: Lively citywide coverage at Slog, including Eli’s impassioned defense of the joyful messiness of the caucus process. For a sample of other news blogs around the area are reporting on caucuses, check the headline digest at Citizen Rain. More here as info and photos come in. So far, the results reports in the comments thread equal roughly 75% Obama, 25% Clinton. 5:05 PM ADDITION: The state Democratic Party has a results page ready, though it’s all 0’s so far. WA GOP promises results after 6 pm. 5:29 PM ADDITION: State D results are starting to come in: 66% Obama, 32% Clinton with 34% reporting. 5:48 PM ADDITION: The state also has a “jurisdiction-level results” page — scroll down to “King – 34th LD” for West Seattle (and Vashon). Doesn’t say if this is final but our district is listed at 73% Obama, 26% Clinton. 6:19 PM ADDITION: Bill Schrier, 34th DD webmaster, kindly informs us that the 34th has 1038 total delegates, so anything you see isn’t final till it hits that total. 6:30 PM ADDITION: The state Republican site is starting to post results. With 16% in, it’s McCain and Huckabee almost tied, Paul not far behind.

Development east of The Junction: Finally (partly) revealed

A potentially big piece of the puzzle regarding future development in the area along Fauntleroy east of The Junction, in the wake of the closure of the Gee/ex-Huling dealerships, is clearer today with two things we’ve just learned: The first one is this new application filed by Harbor Properties for a 6-story mixed-use building at 38th/Alaska. We found it after learning that West Seattle Montessori School has sent home a letter to its students’ families informing them the school has to leave its current location, because part of the property has been sold to Harbor Properties (which is building “Mural” in The Junction) and is going to be developed into apartments. We have a message out seeking comment from Harbor Properties, but in the meantime, here’s the full text of the letter, a physical copy of which was provided to WSB by a source with ties to the school, followed by more info on the development application:

Dear Parent of West Seattle Montessori School:

This school began in 1980 in just the property that is now the preschool building. We grew quickly and were renamed as West Seattle Montessori School in 1985. Over the years we continued to grow and expand from that original two preschool classes and one 1st and 2nd grade class into a diverse campus that includes 5 preschool classes, 3 elementary classes, and our 6th through 8th grade Middle School program.

Through the years we made several offers to purchase the facilities that we rent, but were turned down. On February 5th, our landlord informed us that the preschool building property has been sold to Harbor Properties and will be developed into apartment buildings in 2009. Harbor Properties met with us to discuss how they could incorporate a space for the school into their property designs. They expect to begin reconstruction in early 2009 and would have the project ready for us for the school year beginning 2010, which would mean moving our preschool and lower elementary programs to an interim site this coming summer.

After absorbing the initial shock of this news, and in discussing this with our staff, we all agree that we want to try to keep all our classes together in one campus and are excited to seek a property that meets all our needs. We are now working with a commercial realtor and have been told that there are several properties available that could meet our requirements. We know what a supportive group of parents we have and hope that if you have any suggestions or leads for us, you won’t hesitate to share them.

The Board of Directors
West Seattle Montessori School

After getting that letter, we started checking city and county records for property ownership and development applications along that block of 38th. We found the development application filed for 4550 38th, which is the Huling-owned property immediately south of West Seattle Montessori:


As you can see on that city page, it describes the proposal as “Const of a 6 story mixed use bldg. (5) floors Residential, Type VA construction over one level commercial/parking garage.” The earliest date on the proposal is January 23, so this appears to have been in the works for at least two weeks. More later, when our research continues post-caucus.

Quick reminders about major events today

CAUCUSES: FInally, at the 11th hour, just about every media site large and small has joined in with “how to” links. Ours will stay up at the top spot in the right sidebar till it’s all over at midafternoon. (P.S. At least one note suggests those robo-calls with the wrong caucus date were still continuing last night. According to citywide-media reports, it’s not a sinister plot; a firm paid by the Obama campaign programmed Maine reminders – for Sunday – to go to Washington numbers – where of course TODAY is caucus day.)

DONATE USED BIKES & PARTS TODAY: PCC, 11 am-2 pm. Here’s what it’s all about.

TWO CLEANUPS AND A WORK PARTY: All happening before you caucus, so no excuses — Admiral Neighborhood Association‘s area cleanup starts at 9 am (more here); The EARTH Project at Cooper Elementary has a work party on the south side of the school (next to Pigeon Point Park) starting at 9 am; Junction Neighborhood Association, at 10 am (more here).

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY: Received a couple notes about this — the Admiral restaurant Circa (2605 California) celebrates its 10th anniversary with a party tonight, described in one e-mail this way: “No regular dinner service – but a party for anyone who wants to celebrate. There will be raffles at 7:00 and 10:00, drinks, and food of course (miniature portions of Circa favorites: steak salads, Circa burgers and chocolate cake).”

Many more events are listed in the West Seattle Weekend Lineup.

Denny-Sealth: 1st part of the suspense apparently ends Monday

According to the agenda outline for next Wednesday’s school board meeting — viewable here on the school district website — details of the Denny-Sealth Project Recommendation item will be “posted Monday.” Whatever the recommendation turns out to be, it will be formally introduced to the board Wednesday night, with a final vote at their next meeting two weeks later (Feb. 27). Between the posting and the introducing, remember, the Westwood Neighborhood Council hopes you’ll attend its moderated-panel-discussion community meeting Tuesday night (Chief Sealth High School Commons, 7 pm; flyer here, news release here). Also remember, as reported Wednesday, the district materials (Power Point slides, drawings, etc.) presented at last Monday’s meeting at CSHS are now available online here.