Please pardon the outage

Something went awry at WSB server HQ, and the site was inaccessible to the world (along with a bunch of other sites) for most of the past hour. Still waiting for official word from the hosting company on what the problem was and whether they’re sure it’s been fixed, but do know, we would never deliberately take it down in the middle of the day – maintenance and experimentation are what the “wee hours” are for! Anyway, our apologies. Now back to the news, info, discussion, etc.

3 Replies to "Please pardon the outage"

  • Jenny January 11, 2008 (12:50 pm)

    Don’t forget to BACK UP your databases – at another site!

    (Why do I know this? Um, well… that’s what I’ve heard you should do. Yeah, that’s it.)

  • Ken January 11, 2008 (3:08 pm)

    I was editing a comment (reply) to post and found another entire shared host that was down hard (pings but no SYN/ACK) in California and one in NYC.
    I suspect there is some malicious zero day hack out there and one or more of the shared hosts on each server was the target.

  • marco January 11, 2008 (4:23 pm)

    I think Dreamhost has not been blessed with luck in recent times….

Sorry, comment time is over.