Yes, they did it

Under brilliant sunshine, in the face of biting cold wind, about 20 people just took the climate-change-awareness Alki plunge we mentioned yesterday. We’ve got the video to prove it (ADDED 3:40 PM; trying YouTube’s player again for the folks who say MySpaceTV isn’t working so well for them):

8 Replies to "Yes, they did it"

  • grr December 8, 2007 (5:10 pm)



  • The Velvet Bulldog December 8, 2007 (8:24 pm)

    I got hypothermic just watching that.

  • Christopher Boffoli December 8, 2007 (8:51 pm)

    Pish-posh! Some of these people only went in to their waist and then ran out. Back east they do polar bear swims the proper way: They find a frozen pond, cut a large hole in the ice, tie a rope to the person’s waist (for safety) and they jump in! Under the water. Now THAT’S cold.

  • Jan December 8, 2007 (9:16 pm)

    grr…LOLOL…that was the first thing I thought…hehehehehe…

  • The House December 8, 2007 (10:24 pm)

    Wow. 30 people running into Puget Sound. By running you’re causing more Carbon Dioxide to be emitted into the atmosphere. If you really care about cutting back on greenhouse gases, please stop talking.

    Way to go, folks.

    Oh, by the way….you lose even more credibility by having Greenpeace on your sign at the end.

  • Sue L December 8, 2007 (10:41 pm)

    Brr. Also, since YouTube works but looks icky, I looked around for some other video sharing places. I liked and made an account there this evening, but haven’t uploaded a video yet. What I’m finding is that Apple video seems to work the best on my computer. And it’s not an Apple. Hmm.

  • Jan December 9, 2007 (1:04 am)

    House….speaking of hot air…… ;-)

  • Mary T December 10, 2007 (10:45 am)

    Ah, geez, House, please be torn down!

    I wouldn’t even run into the Sound in high summer!

Sorry, comment time is over.