City budget passes unanimously

The $900 million-plus city budget for next year got unanimous approval from the City Council a few hours ago. That includes the Pedestrian Safety Initiative that councilmembers publicized with this event along Delridge just last week. Regarding specifics of interest to us in West Seattle — for starters, one note of interest from a newsletter sent by West Seattle-resident Councilmember Tom Rasmussen after the vote — he says the budget that was passed includes “Rental Assistance – Added $350,000 for emergency rental assistance and homeless prevention to include renters being evicted due to the conversion of their apartments to condominiums.” Brian Hawksford from Councilmember Rasmussen’s office also confirms that the $50,000 for a new pedestal for the Alki Statue of Liberty (as announced at the 9/11/07 unveiling) is in the budget that won final approval, and he says Rasmussen got $ added to the budget to help bring two areas of the city, including ours, up to parity with the rest of the city regarding Parks Department programs for the physically and developmentally disabled. 5 PM ADDENDUM: Dueling press releases are out from the Mayor and Council — here’s his (noting his disappointment that they killed the 311 emergency-infoline proposal), and here’s theirs.

1 Reply to "City budget passes unanimously"

  • Libby Carr November 23, 2007 (7:49 pm)

    Paul and I and our Committee would like to express our Thanks to the Mayor and City Council for officially approving the $50,000 in the 2008 Budget that will help to build the new pedestal and plaza for the Statue of Liberty at Alki Beach.
    Tom Rasmussen, our local friend on the Council, was especially instrumental in the critical early stages of this appropriation.

    We are starting now to move into the final stages of fundraising and we definately will need Community support from all quarters. We have been distributing the new Brochures (self-mailing for donations) and inserts that are being carried by many merchants and restaurants in West Seattle. A list of those will be coming very soon. Check out our updated website at for the most recent reports on upcoming activities. We will let you know as plans develop.

    Thanks again, City of Seattle!

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