Halloween countdown update, plus jack-o-lanterns with an edge

HALLOWEEN COUNTDOWN: Fun stuff happening around West Seattle tonight, including Costume Karaoke at Skylark; check the WSB Events page for more.

JACK-O-LANTERN WATCH: Thanks for sending in the pumpkin photos — keep ’em coming; even after this batch we have more left, but we’ll get them all in before Halloween has come and gone. Our theme this time — jack-o-lanterns with an edge (to say the least). First, we have Luckie‘s cutely cannibalistic creation:


The other two “edgy” jack-o-lanterns are even more PG-13 so our dainty sensibilities are leading us to put them a click off the home page — YOU’VE BEEN WARNED!

Mark calls this one a “drumpkin”:


Gerald says he made this next one “for work” (hmm, perhaps in honor of those days when your otherwise-cherished job makes you feel like a zombie?):


5 Replies to "Halloween countdown update, plus jack-o-lanterns with an edge"

  • pops October 30, 2007 (4:44 pm)

    Kudos to Mark – I’ve been emailing the link to this post to friends. It’s too good to keep to yourself.

  • The Velvet Bulldog October 30, 2007 (7:03 pm)

    LOVE Luckie’s lantern! Don’t know what that says about me, but it’s hilarious!

  • bbilly October 30, 2007 (9:05 pm)


  • Bob Loblaw October 30, 2007 (9:32 pm)

    Thank you pops! :-)

  • westwood October 30, 2007 (11:30 pm)

    nice pumpkin Luckie!

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