Delridge crash update

As of minutes ago, Delridge is still blocked off between Holden and Thistle, more than five hours after a police car collided with a Volvo station wagon. The P-I has posted some details of what led to the crash. We watched the Volvo get towed from Delridge/Thistle at 9:15 (night-visionish photo below), but the wrecked police car was still in the street further north down Delridge. 10:30 UPDATE: Still closed. That’s our last in-person check for the night; if anyone discovers it open in the hours to come, please post that in the comments here.


4 Replies to "Delridge crash update"

  • Tinkerbell August 15, 2007 (8:54 am)

    Why would Delridge have been closed down for so long with a non-fatality traffic accident? It looks like 5 plus hours during a rush hour no less…..

  • Jan August 15, 2007 (12:30 pm)

    the only reason that I can surmise is that there was a police officer involved…although none of the injuries are life threatening. He was on a call with lights flashing, seems pretty cut and dry to me.But…only they know for sure, I suppose…

  • Jen V. August 15, 2007 (1:08 pm)

    as a former claims adjuster, I can tell you that no matter what happened, the SPD will deny fault.

  • Marilyn P. August 15, 2007 (2:04 pm)

    There is a RCW rule regarding emergency vehicles entering an intersection. They must clear the area visually and be able to stop to prevent damage to persons or property. Almost every official car is equipped with “Opticon” that can turn intersection lights to red-flashing. This was an unfortunate accident, but there are often conficting stories involving police/civilian crashes.

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