The joy of commuting by water

No new info in today’s P-I article on the Water Taxi — the year-round possibility hit the headlines 3 weeks ago — but it’s nice to see it get more time in the spotlight. Gives us an excuse to put up a photo left over from our weekend peek under the Seacrest pier – here’s how steep the walkway from the WT dock gets during a -3′ tide!


5 Replies to "The joy of commuting by water"

  • gina May 21, 2007 (10:59 am)

    Tried the water taxi for two weeks.

    the travel time on the water is quick.
    Nice view.
    You can get a seat.

    When on open air deck you breathe in diesel exhaust.
    Costs twice as much as Metro. (I commute during water taxi operating hours twice a week, I do not get a free Metro pass from my employer)
    I have to leave 30 minutes earlier to get to water taxi, and drive car there. On other side it is 7 block uphill walk. Good exercise, but a shower is needed afterwards.
    Metro bus stop is block from my house, and block from downtown employer.

    11 o’clock start at work on other days, with workday ending at 8 does not coincide with water taxi service. Work days that end at 6 do not coincide with water taxi service. Water taxi leaves at 6:10. With stoplights and closing duties at work I can’t make it to dock before boat leaves. I can catch the 6:10 #37 to car parked near Seacrest and beat the water taxi across the water. Water taxi leaves even if both shuttles have not arrived. (Why I drive to water taxi).

    I think that the price and the schedule need adjustment.

  • Wendy May 21, 2007 (4:01 pm)

    That ramp needs a rubber cover on it. I am glad my dog is small enough to carry. I took the water taxi across on Sunday to go to Olympic Sculpture Park and I have to carry my 16# Italian greyhound up and down this ramp because the metal is just harsh and she won’t walk on it (can y9ou blame her?) And it was wet so I had to hold her under one arm and hang on to the rail with the other and hope I didn’t fall on my butt!. I don’t know why they don’t have rubber on this ramp like they do on the other side.

  • Anne May 21, 2007 (4:11 pm)

    The Water Taxi is not going to be convenient for everyone.If you have to walk 7 blocks uphill on the other side-then it’s probably not for you.Also-if you take the bus to work and back every day-why wouldn’t you get a Metro bus pass for yourself? That way you could use it for the Water Taxi if you needed to.If the Water Taxi is going to start running all year maybe they will add more times to their schedule,but right now I think they’re doing a good job with scheduling and prices.Also-aren’t they going to move the docking for the Taxi down towards Jack Block Park? That might help with the ramp situation.

  • gina May 21, 2007 (8:33 pm)

    You have to have a yearly pass. Otherwise they ask for $1.50 in addition if you use a one month pass or bus tickets. I only take the bus on two weekdays, So I use tickets, they don’t expire. I work Saturday and Sunday every weekend, and can park for less than Water Taxi fare costs.

    The 55 does not run at night downtown, and the 56 is hourly only. This Metro “improved service” took effect 8 years ago. I now drive and pay big bucks when I work week nights. There was a big crowd that would catch the bus at night before they cut out 55 service. Guess they all figured out some other transport too. And Metro can say that points to lack of demand of riders.

  • dq May 21, 2007 (8:42 pm)

    no, that’s not true… you do not need a yearly pass to take the water taxi. i have a monthly pass and i take the water taxi nearly every day and i have never been charged.

    also, for what it’s worth, the last water taxi to depart from downtown on monday – thursday is 6.50 pm. on weekends the last run to leave downtown is 10.30 pm.

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