West Seattle, Washington
11 Tuesday
P-I just posted that Mayor Nickels’ father, Robert Charles Nickels, died today at his WS home, at age 81.
Two noteworthy articles just posted at the P-I site:
–First official online account we’ve seen of Charlie Chong’s funeral. Also, CharlieChong.com is updated with the funeral program that he wrote himself.
-For our fellow Blue Angels fans: Seafair says they’re definitely in.
If you see this before the Farmers’ Market closes @ 2 pm: the produce/plants booth at the SE corner has organic purple green onions, $2/bunch. And if you’re looking for a present for a mom who gardens, more booths than ever have plants today — though our fave remains Langley Fine Gardens and its often-unusual offerings.
Cheapest posted regular is now Charlestown/Cali 7/11 @ $3.36. Highest posted regular is now a tie — Lincoln Park 76 has matched 35th/Holden Chevron @ $3.49.
It’s Our First Marquee Mention Ever, courtesy of the salubrious Java Bean! Spotted it while riding the Water Taxi Shuttle down Avalon yesterday; tried to take a photo last night; our cranky old camera ate it. Before we could try again today, a kind reader snapped it and sent it. We are most honored because as we’ve written before, Java Bean is a true West Seattle classic – we got morning lattes from Tony and family at their cart in front of the pre-fire Thriftway back in the ’90s, and have rooted for their success ever since. Thanks, guys!
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