A truly tragic crash

We might have forgotten to mention this West Seattle traffic tragedy if not for a note we got tonight. A woman riding a bicycle near High Point got hit during the morning commute. I hope the person who wrote me doesn’t mind me using this excerpt — she knows someone related to the victim, but I’ve excised that detail and another personal point:

Early this morning on 35th Ave SW, a 27 year old woman riding north on her bicycle hit a van headed north that turned onto SW Graham in from of her. As she had the right of way, the van driver either didn’t see her or thought he was faster. She’s in Harborview with “life-threatening” injuries. … I’m just thankful my (child) was so entranced by the sight of all of the flashing lights that he didn’t see her bicycle and helmet there on the road.

This makes us think about all the brave folks we see bicycling to work or school or the store, even though we are sadly lacking in bike lanes and other accommodations. Just this morning, Hizzoner stood up and talked about fighting global warming by encouraging more alternative forms of transportation, such as bicycling. Is this just lip service, or will he really make the roads safer for people like this lady who are already trying to do their part?

5 Replies to "A truly tragic crash"

  • Rob Lanphier September 27, 2006 (9:46 pm)

    I know I’ve been lucky; I’ve ridden that part of 35th Ave many times. It’s really dangerous, and the one part of 35th that is practically unavoidable on a bike, as 34th isn’t a thru street around there (especially with the construction in the area)

    Once they get done with Highpoint (maybe they are…I’m out of town right now), it should be safer to get through on 32nd between Graham and Juneau, and then down 30th. The only problem with that route is that 30th is a /really/ steep hill. You have to really be in shape to not just get off your bike and walk it up coming up the hill (southbound).

  • Tria September 27, 2006 (11:39 pm)

    The event is tragic, but I don’t think that bike riders deserve a citation for bravery because one of them suffered serious injuries that could be fatal. More pedestrians are killed or seriously injured than bike riders, but you don’t hear anyone praise sidewalk users for the courage. (Believe me, plenty of cars jump the curbs and would easily kill or maim any person with the misfortune to be walking on that particular curb at that particular time.) Let’s not congratulate all bike riders on the grounds that one of them was hit by a moving vehicle.

  • Rob Lanphier September 28, 2006 (1:07 am)

    It sucks that pedestrians get killed and injured, too. However, it makes this situation no less sucky.

  • eric September 28, 2006 (9:00 am)

    “sadly lacking in bike lanes and other accommodations”

    I used to be an avid biker. Bike lanes/paths are great. Unfortunatly, I see many bikers not using them (West Marginal Way is a perfect example). Why should we continue to spend millions on bike paths that aren’t used by cyclists that feel becuase they have a right to the road they should use the road rather than the bike path provided for them?

  • Tria September 29, 2006 (2:03 pm)

    This is off topic but still about bike readers.

    A few weeks ago, I attended the viaduct-related public meeting at Madison Middle School in the Admiral neighborhood. Two or three city council members attended. One of the them was Richard Conlin who, I believe, lives in the Madison Park area. He arrived perspiring from having ridden his bike all the way across town and up Avalon to reach West Seattle and the public meeting.

    Now, that’s what I call an avid bike rider.

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