Living dangerously

First night of summer, last day of school, whatever the case, a little edgy down along Alki Beach just after sunset — we were out for a simple “scenic drive” en route home from downtown, but things bottlenecked right around the Pepperdock — at least half a dozen police cars blocking off a side street, officers walking warily around the edge of a fairly thick crowd on the beach side of the street. Hard to tell if any actual trouble had brewed, but with the crowd so close to the traffic lanes, we felt a bit nervous. I know Alki’s been a gathering place for The Young Folks since the dawn of time, but this density seemed a little unfamiliar.

1 Reply to "Living dangerously"

  • cami June 23, 2006 (2:26 pm)

    Yes, it’s that time of year at Alki… END OF SCHOOL FIGHT CLUB. The masses ran into the residential streets beating the crap out of each other…probably to post on their myspace pages! It was amusing to say the least. Of course, we had cops here all day on Wednesday and they were no where to be found at 10pm (until they responded to the 911 calls).

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