day : 04/05/2006 2 results

Station out, park in

May 4, 2006 5:44 pm
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 |   WS breaking news

The fate of the Morgan Junction non-o-rail property is decided. It’ll be partly a park. I remember reading what the other part will be — the part that involves the “partnership with Beveridge” (owner of the neighboring pub) — but can’t find a link to refresh my memory. Anyway, more parks are always a good thing, IMO …

Meteorologically mean

May 4, 2006 5:38 am
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 |   Environment

It is just plain vicious that today will be spectacular and Saturday, when many of us are released from our cages offices to frolic at events such as Maritime Day, it’s supposed to be standard-issue soggy. If you can skip work today, go right ahead, and take an extra lap around Alki for me. I unfortunately was born with a weird gene that will cause me to drop dead on the spot if I ever call in sick when I don’t happen to be. So as Snow White’s mini-men once sang, hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work I go …