LOST DOG: Clementine – REUNITED – March 5, 2017 11:30 am

(Clementine is back home – info removed)

18 Replies to "LOST DOG: Clementine - REUNITED"

  • TDe March 4, 2017 (7:27 am)

    A local dog walking business person told me yesterday that she saw Clementine around 50th – 51st SW,  not far from Dawson, still with her harness on.  She tried to get the dog to come to her but Clementine became too nervous and ran away through some yards to the West.  This is very much same area that Luka the dog was lost in a few months ago.  She called the owner who came out to look, but they had no luck finding her.  This little dog is still in the area and has to be cold and hungry, so anyone driving through those neighborhoods, please be on the lookout. 

  • CanDo March 4, 2017 (6:01 pm)

    Another sighting today on Jacobson not too far from Beach Dr.

  • Matt March 5, 2017 (7:36 am)

    Hi, this is the owner, Matt. We just saw a post on FB from someone who saw Clementine run across Admiral onto Garlough Sunday morning. So she’s moving north. Thank you to everyone who’s keeping an eye out for our little runner!

  • Derek March 5, 2017 (11:42 am)


    We saw her this morning at about 8. She ran down 53rd between Andover towards Charlestown.  

    We tried to get her to come to us, but she just ran. I hope you get her back soon!  

    • WSB March 5, 2017 (11:54 am)

      A reader in the Schmitz Park area caught what might be Clementine on his security camera overnight. He has called the owners to relay that information.

      • Derek March 5, 2017 (12:02 pm)

        That’s great news.  I’m sure it’s her.  It was definitely her we saw this morning, down to the green harness.  

  • Nicole March 5, 2017 (12:41 pm)

    I saw Clementine and tried to catch her at 0730 this morning. She ran across Admiral and was heading north on Garlough st.  I spoke iwth the owner and they are aware. 

  • Kayla M. Weiner March 5, 2017 (1:39 pm)

    Get a trap!!!

  • Barb March 5, 2017 (5:02 pm)

    She was just on my street 56thSW and SW Andover but would not come closes to me.

  • Matt March 5, 2017 (7:31 pm)

    Thank you for the update, Barb. All of these reports are very helpful, especially if we have to hire a tracker.

  • Mark Wolfers March 5, 2017 (10:22 pm)

    …we borrowed a trap from Seattle Animal Control when our pup was lost. We do have a spare one if you would like to borrow it (we live in West Seattle). You should also contact James Branson. He was pivotal in finding our dog. If you would like my phone number let me know!

    • Trisha March 6, 2017 (6:39 am)

      Hi, I am one of Clementie’s owners, Trisha. We actually have James scheduled to come out tomorrow to search. We have heard good things about him. If we could get your number, that would be great. You can email me at trishazuanich@gmail.com. Thanks!

      • Pam March 6, 2017 (10:17 am)

        Hi Trisha, I’m Mark’s wife. I sent you an email. 

  • Lori March 6, 2017 (10:54 am)

    I’m sure I saw her this morning heading west by the four-way stop at Genesee and SW Oregon. It was about 6:50AM.  

  • Trisha March 6, 2017 (11:09 am)

    Clementine was found and caught this morning and doing well. Thank you for helping us, we couldn’t have done it without you!

  • Matt March 6, 2017 (11:09 am)

    Clementine has been found! Thank you to everyone who helped in the search and offered tips, sightings and good thoughts. This really is an amazing community.

    • WSB March 6, 2017 (11:19 am)


  • TDe March 6, 2017 (11:34 am)

      Yay!   We’re so glad she will safe and warm at home!   This is wonderful news!

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