LOST CAT: Stirfry – BACK HOME – July 11, 2017 8:46 pm

(After three weeks, Stirfry the tortoiseshell returned home!)

7 Replies to "LOST CAT: Stirfry - BACK HOME"

  • annika July 14, 2017 (11:43 pm)

    any updates on this kitty?

  • WinnP July 15, 2017 (1:10 pm)

    Nope, still no sign of her. We’ve been walking in big loops around the area in hopes of spotting her hanging around someone’s house, but no luck.

  • annika July 16, 2017 (11:04 am)

    Perhaps you could borrow a humane trap to leave outside for her?  Usually the vet or animal shelter can help you find one to borrow.  Hope she is found soon!

  • Clara Erickson July 19, 2017 (10:58 am)

    This cute doggie followed us back home from Alki. Very well trained. My number is 2068496882 if this is your dog, he is in our dogs kennel with food and water for now. 

    • WSB July 19, 2017 (11:26 am)

      Hi – in case you ever find a pet again, please e-mail us the info rather than posting in a comment on another pet. This is the pet that’s at the top of our page. I’ll send them your number. Theirs is 206-999-7574

  • WinnP July 21, 2017 (7:17 pm)

    Stirfry just showed up at our door! After three weeks missing she found her way home. 

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