Car Insurance

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    State Law mandates motorists have car insurance; yet a very high percentage flaunt the law. These violators cost those that buy insurance 15 to 20% in added cost to their insurance.

    I recently paid my yearly car registration and one of the steps was to identify my drivers license. It seems adding a step to prove that you have insurance could be added to the registration process. This would help enforce State Law and hopefully reduce car insurance premiums accordingly for everyone.



    I agree with you in that I think proof of insurance is a good thing, to protect me in case I’m in an accident caused by a non-insured motorist.

    I lived in North Carolina some time ago (lol…a long, long time ago) The law there was…if your insurance lapsed, they came and took your license plates. Period. I don’t know if that’s the law now, but in the early 70’s. Yep…I learned the hard way…



    now they can use technology to show proof of insurance when you renew your tabs

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