Reply To: Rant.. KFC White Center



cardtaken2 .. the credit union has made us whole for everything but the inconvenience

newnative… my husband wanted me to file a police report.. but from what i have heard from you and others it really isn’t worth the hassle.. and it is a hassle.

I may file a report with the BBB. If i don’t hear from the district manager by midweek next week i will… not about the theft so much as about the way that the KFC management has handled my attempt to let them know they might have a problem.

i wish i believed that these kinds of crimes would get prosecuted but they are somehow seen as victimless crimes since most of the time the cardholder is eventually reimbursed.

Apparently our time and trouble don’t count .. i have about 9 hours invested so far in cleaning this up and i am nowhere near the end of making sure all of my automated bills will get paid.

and no. i will no longer be stopping by KFC to pick up lunch. they have simply made it more trouble for me than it is worth.

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by JoB.
  • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by JoB.