Reply To: NO TV on Friday



to quote a former president, dave: “there you go again” with your vilification of liberals, attributing some sort of fantastic bolshevism to our motives.

that dog just won’t hunt, old son. never did. never will. not even in 1929. except among fearmongers, that is. “be afraid!”

you need an enemy. i understand. i’ll play your silly little norquist game.

let’s fight!

maybe you could throw in “democrat party” a few times. welfare queens in cadillacs? obama phones?

ooh! maybe some jade helm… scary!

to quote another former president, “please proceed, governor.”

funny you mention emancipation, though. wasn’t lincoln the original big-government northern republican who prosecuted a war on the insurrectionists (his word) who thought that the individual states should have more economic power than the federal government?

the same guy who asserted that labor precedes capital, and who further asserted that there would be no capital without labor?

why, that sounds downright marxist!

“party of lincoln,” my ass. yours is the party of aristocracy. own it.

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by redblack.
  • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by redblack.