West Seattle schools: Marcus Pimpleton returning to Denny IMS, as assistant principal

One year ago, award-winning educator Marcus Pimpleton left his longtime music-leadership roles at Denny International Middle School and Chief Sealth International High School for a new career direction, school administration, saying he wanted “to learn what it takes to be the type of leader that can help to ensure that all students have access to the high level instruction and experiences that put them on the path for successes in school, college, and life.”

Now that new direction is bringing him back to West Seattle: Pimpleton is returning to Denny IMS as assistant principal, the same position he held at Bellevue’s Interlake High School this past year. Here’s part of how he explained his decision to his now-former colleagues there:

Denny has always been a special place near and dear to my heart. When my grandmother passed away during my 5th grade year, it was a teacher from my elementary school who followed me to Denny and rallied together a community of teachers, counselors, and school administrators to support and nurture me along the path of middle school, high school, college, and beyond. Their deposit into my life is the inspiration for my life’s work which I sincerely believe is to provide leadership that expands educational opportunities for our most impacted students in our most challenged communities. The opportunity to go deeper into this calling in my own neighborhood, in the very school where I was the recipient of this type of leadership and nurturing, is too special of an opportunity to pass up.

Pimpleton has kept a hand in the world of music education as director of the All-City Band (whose busy summer includes three West Seattle events later this month).

“We are very pleased to welcome Mr. Pimpleton back as our new Assistant Principal!” Denny principal Jeff Clark told WSB, when we asked him to confirm the news after hearing about it from several parents (thanks again to them for the tip). First day of classes this year is September 7th, but of course school staffers are back at work long before that.

6 Replies to "West Seattle schools: Marcus Pimpleton returning to Denny IMS, as assistant principal"

  • llfauntleroy July 13, 2016 (1:39 pm)

    This is the best news from SPS I’ve heard in a long time. Denny is extremely lucky to have him back. I am confident that he is going to be an exceptional administrator!

  • Admiral Mom July 13, 2016 (1:51 pm)

    Welcome back Mr Pimpleton! 

  • Kadoo July 13, 2016 (4:17 pm)

    That is terrific news! Congrats to Marcus. 

  • Admiral Mom July 13, 2016 (6:47 pm)

    Who is he replacing?

  • M July 13, 2016 (10:48 pm)

    So happy to hear this. 

  • Diane July 14, 2016 (8:28 am)

    So happy for Denny and Marcus.  He is so committed to the kids and will be great in his new role. 

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