YOU CAN HELP! Donate water bottle(s) for youth helping youth

That’s Clayton, who’s hoping you can help with a donation drive that he and his classmates are wrapping up at the end of the week. The photo and request were sent tonight by his family:

Clayton and his 7th-grade classmates at Westside School are collecting supplies for homeless youth. Clay’s group is trying to wrangle 50 new or barely used reusable water bottles by this Friday! They’d love some help from the West Seattle Community. Donations can be dropped off at our house (5417 36th Ave SW) or at Westside School by Friday at 8:15.

The school is at 10404 34th SW in Arbor Heights.

2 Replies to "YOU CAN HELP! Donate water bottle(s) for youth helping youth"

  • Lora Swift March 24, 2016 (6:57 am)

    What a great cause! We’ll be happy to help. Let folks know they can drop off their water bottles at Hotwire (4410 California Ave SW) through Friday 7pm.  


  • Clayton's Mom March 24, 2016 (4:45 pm)

    Thanks, Lora!  That’s very kind of you.  We’ll be in touch to see if you have any for us to pick up.  We’re hoping that Clayton’s teachers can extend the project through the weekend, as they were originally planning to put together care packages tomorrow morning.  

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