West Seattle beverages: Sound & Fog set for Broadstone Sky

(WSB photos. Above, Sound & Fog proprietor Justin Krebs)

Back when what’s now Broadstone Sky (4745 40th SW) went through Design Review in 2013, board members pushed for the project to include a commercial café-type space on its north side, adjacent to what will eventually be a city park.

The space became part of the plan, and now it has a tenant, just signed: A coffee-and-more café to be called Sound & Fog.

Morgan Junction resident Justin Krebs tells WSB that he’s worked in the coffee business for 13 years, for companies big and not-so-big, and now “it’s time to make money for myself.”

“Sound & Fog is going to be a coffee bar that will feature Olympia Coffee Roasters with rotating roasters monthly from the Seattle area and Internationally,” he explains. In addition to espresso, pour-overs and drip coffee, he expects to “feature a seasonal array of rotating coffee and tea-based beverages. I will also be serving a rotating line of local breweries (3-4) on tap and in bottles as well. In addition to beer, I’ll have a significant offering of seasonal wines to choose from for in-house consumption or bottle takeaway.” Some “small” food offerings, too.

(North- and east-facing sides)

Right now, the space is a big, bright shell, with windows on three sides. Some of the windows open, so it’ll be airy as well as bright. Some seating is planned along the windows, but the centerpiece of the space will be the bar, right in the middle. One wall will be “retail” for that “takeaway wine.” You might also find a small mural in the space; Krebs is talking with artist friends about that.

(East- and south-facing sides)

We had to ask about the name. Krebs said coming up with one was “stressful” – until one day, his husband suggested Sound & Fog, and that was it. “It’s what I like about living in West Seattle” – including the occasional foghorns heard from the neighborhood where he lives; he considers the foghorns “romantic” (though he acknowledges with laughter that not everyone might agree).

At Sound & Fog, in the early months you’ll be more likely to hear sirens than foghorns, since temporary Fire Station 32 is on the Parks-owned land to the north, and some construction sound from The Whittaker to the east. But that will all eventually be done and Sound & Fog will be, as Krebs says, “situated well. … My goal is to create a relaxed atmosphere where you can grab a coffee and meet with friends for a beer or glass of wine.”

Krebs expects buildout to start in mid-April, and he hopes to be open by the start of summer about two months later. He’ll be open seven days a week, probably until about 8 Sundays-Thursdays, 10-ish Fridays-Saturdays, for starters.

13 Replies to "West Seattle beverages: Sound & Fog set for Broadstone Sky"

  • Jamie March 22, 2016 (3:42 pm)

    Love the name. We are super excited for a new addition to this part of the Alaska Junction! This building it’s in actually blocked our downtown view from our home but, now we have something to be happy about. :) Congrats to Justin for making the leap in starting his own business; we’ll be sure to be frequent customers, for coffee and then for wine! 

    • WGA March 22, 2016 (10:13 pm)

      I remember sitting in on the Design Board meetings and the discussions about having a cafe on that corner. Please to read it is actually going to happen! Lost a view but gained a public space that will liven up a new block!

  • Morris March 22, 2016 (4:42 pm)

    Great name

  • JayDee March 22, 2016 (5:28 pm)

    I would have to see what the surrounding developments are like since it is set back from Alaska. One thing I like about the 42/California development is the narrow passageway from Safeway to the Junction. (But I dislike the sun-blocking profile of the same). Sound and Fog is evocative and if you can get good lighting and sound baffling, I’d like to stop by.

    • WSB March 22, 2016 (5:31 pm)

      When The Whittaker opens, the mid-project passage from Fauntleroy to 40th (not exclusively pedestrian, though, unlike the one you mention) will point right at the north end of Broadstone Sky/south end of the future park, so Sound & Fog will benefit from that as the area develops … TR

  • Sari March 22, 2016 (6:17 pm)

    Because of food allergies, I usually end up ordering just wine or tea so it’ll be cool to have somewhere to go where that’s normal. (And I, too, love the name.)

  • MikeRussellFoto March 22, 2016 (7:13 pm)

    Great name! Justin if you’re reading this, any other roasters lined up, yet? I really love the concept of multiple roasters in one place (like Milstead in Fremont). There are so many great roasters out there, it’s fun to get to try lots of different ones without travelling all over town (or the country!). 

    • Justin March 22, 2016 (9:12 pm)

      Absolutely Mike, there’s so many great roasters out there. Langøra from Norway is my current favorite.  I’ll be bringing in lots from the northwest and a few from the mid-west planning on two rotating roasters a month. 

      • MikeRussellFoto March 23, 2016 (3:24 pm)

        Excellent! Glad to hear it! Yeah, went on a trip to Amsterdam and Budapest last year. There are definitely some amazing roasters out there! Haven’t tried that one from Norway, but looking forward to it.

  • chelle March 22, 2016 (8:47 pm)

    Love the name. I also love  hearing the fog horns in west Seattle. Can’t wait to walk there for coffee 

  • LC March 22, 2016 (8:57 pm)

    I too find the name delightful and clever!

    what a thoughtful addition to our growing hamlet.

  • Sue March 22, 2016 (10:14 pm)

    I like the name too! I live just a block west of there, and I’d definitely check it out and it’s actually a block closer to me than the Junction. With all the new apartments there, and the ones that were already on my block, there’s definitely an audience for it. Best of luck to you!

  • Kimberley March 23, 2016 (6:57 am)

    Congrats Justin! This is huge news – I’m so excited to discover your pairings. I can’t wait to try this place out, and perhaps rally some of the old crew.

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