CONGRATULATIONS! National honors for Chief Sealth International High School Academy of Business

Congratulations to Chief Sealth International High School for again being recognized as having one of the nation’s top career/vocational business academies. From Gary Perkins, who also shared the photos:

For the third consecutive year, the Academy of Business, which includes both the Academy of Finance and Academy of Hospitality & Tourism programs, was awarded “Model Status” by the National Academy Foundation, an award given to only a select number of business academies across the country. NAF is a leader in the movement to prepare young people for college and career success and operates in more than 650 academies across the 50 states. For over 30 years, NAF has refined a proven educational model which included industry-focused curricula, work-based learning opportunities through summer internships and job shadows, and a relationship model that connects the classroom to the workplace.

There are only five NAF academies in the entire state of Washington, with two of those located here at Chief Sealth Int’l. Over the past five years, the graduation rate for the Academy of Business has exceeded 99% and over 95% of those that graduate have gone on to college or post-secondary education.

In the pictures are juniors and seniors from the Academy of Finance and Academy of Hospitality & Tourism. Also included are Gary Perkins (Academy Coordinator/Instructor) and Jenny Austad (Academy Instructor). You can find out more about the program by E-mailing Gary Perkins at

2 Replies to "CONGRATULATIONS! National honors for Chief Sealth International High School Academy of Business"

  • wsea50 October 5, 2015 (8:26 pm)

    Congrats to Mr. Perkins. I appreciate your commitment to students in the classroom and beyond.
    – Parent of Academy and CSIHS graduate.

  • Ray & Vickie Orlando October 6, 2015 (10:16 am)

    Congradulations Gary….You have made your Mom and Dad Proud. Love you

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