From reader reports and police files: Tonight’s 30th/Genesee gunshot; car and home break-ins; shoplift-turned-robbery; more

Eight reports to share. First:

(From Jordan via Twitter)
30TH/GENESEE INCIDENT TONIGHT: A big police response converged in this area after a report of gunfire. No one was reported to have been shot; we did hear, via scanner, an officer report finding one shell casing. Southwest Precinct Lt. Alan Williams, responding to our inquiry about the circumstances, says it’s related to a recent assault; tonight “the victim fired a ‘warning’ shot up in the air to convince suspect to get away.” The investigation is still in progress. *

At mid-afternoon:

TRUCK VS. GARAGE: Thanks to Rob for the photo from 13th and Thistle earlier this afternoon. He saw the pickup truck hit the garage and says no one was hurt. Unlike last night’s crashes, in this one, the driver apparently stayed at the scene.

Reader report from overnight:

CAR BREAK-INS: Tori e-mailed:

We just wanted to let the West Seattle community know that both of our cars were broken into last night at 38th Ave SW & SW Oregon. They attempted to steal the car but were unable to, and instead, messed up the car and rendered it un-drivable. This is the third time this month that our cars, and other cars on our block, have been targeted. We are hoping that by letting the blog know, others in this area can be aware of car thieves and keep valuables out of their cars.

Another reader report, with photo:

BREAK-IN DAMAGE: Greg sent the photo to go along with his report of a burglary on Thursday:

My house near 35th and Charleston was broken into (Thursday) while I was at work. Burglars bashed in the front door, did some good damage to it. Electronics stolen, not much else, so feel lucky it was only that. I called the police and they dusted the house for prints.

Some incidents that aren’t as recent, but are detailed in police reports we just obtained:

STOLEN CAR IN CRASH BEFORE OWNERS KNEW IT WAS GONE: Early last Tuesday morning, police investigated a hit-run crash at 17th and Barton. The vehicle was registered to an Upper Alki couple who didn’t even know it had been stolen; it was still in the driveway when they went to bed several hours earlier. Police delivered the bad news that their vehicle was not drivable and had been towed.

ANOTHER SHOPLIFT-TURNED-ROBBERY: Another case of shoplifting that turned to robbery when the theft turned to violence. This one happened around 7 pm February 11th, according to a report we obtained this week as part of our ongoing public-disclosure requests. Employees at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) told police a man and woman tried to steal food from the deli and candy from a Valentine’s Day display. They were intercepted while trying to leave without paying; they gave back the deli food but the woman denied having the candy hidden in her purse, even though the man yelled at her to give it back so they could leave. She refused and hit a store employee on the wrist, leaving a bruise, then swore at the store employees. Both suspects then bolted. She was described as Hispanic, early 20s, thin, 5-5, bright pink jacket and jeans; he was described as black, 30s, medium build, scruffy facial hair, 5-10, in dark clothing. Video surveillance was being checked.

CAR PROWL IN SUPERMARKET LOT: Same location as the previous item, but this happened around 10:30 am February 10th. Someone broke into a car while its owner was in Thriftway for a few minutes. A backpack and pair of pants were taken. Store surveillance caught the incident and it turned out one person seen on the video had been in the nearby cell-phone store, “trying to activate a stolen cellphone,” and his identity was known. Cross-referencing jail records, we note someone with the same name spent a day and a half in jail this past week in connection with an apparently unrelated case involving a stolen car. We don’t yet know the status of the case involving the car prowl.

ITEMS FOUND: Maybe someone will be able to find the owner here, as “HelperMonkey” did with the items noted in a recent roundup. In this case, a neighbor in the 8800 block of 37th SW in Upper Fauntleroy found “property on the street that she suspected was associated with a crime,” per a report, which says police retrieved the items, described as wires, old clothing, and food, plus a debit card in the name of Ana S—–a. Police were not able to find anyone by that name. If you know Ana, have her contact police.

P.S. – NEXT CRIME PREVENTION/SAFETY MEETING … is this Tuesday (February 24th), when the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meets at the SW Precinct (Webster/Delridge), 6:30 pm, all welcome. The agenda’s still being finalized but police will have a presence there as always, so bring questions/concerns, and take advantage of the opportunity to strengthen/start a block watch.

1 Reply to "From reader reports and police files: Tonight's 30th/Genesee gunshot; car and home break-ins; shoplift-turned-robbery; more"

  • jissy February 23, 2015 (9:47 am)

    Very sorry to all the victims but especially the couple whose car was stolen and in an accident before they even reported it. This just happened to a friend of mine (who is the single mother of a newborn) and it was a fairly insulting experience thanks to the Insurance company who accused her of fraud (insinuating that she loaned her car out to someone who crashed it and THEN reported it stolen) and then took WEEKS to do their investigation before settling with her to get a new vehicle. I understand they have to go through the process and motions but they were treating her like a common criminal! What happened to innocent until proven guilty.

Sorry, comment time is over.