From posters to property taxes: Admiral Neighborhood Association’s big night

July 11, 2013 1:44 pm
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The Admiral Neighborhood Association, the only community council in West Seattle to present an annual concert series, has unveiled this year’s poster for this year’s 5th annual Summer Concerts at Hiawatha (co-sponsored by WSB). Concert-series updates were part of the agenda at this week’s ANA meeting; ANA’s Katy Walum says the poster is once again a pro-bono creation by Kiran Robertson of Lovejoy Design. Special features this year include the Hiawatha fundraising barbecue during the Dusty 45s show on August 1st. That night also will feature face-painting, as will the August 22nd Fly Moon Royalty performance.

Ahead in our coverage of what else was discussed at the meeting: 2 special guests, including what you need to know about your property taxes, plus other information you might find of interest even if you don’t live in the Admiral area, including six parcels of city land that might wind up for sale:

ADMIRAL’S SEAFAIR REP: This year, ANA is sponsoring a participant in the Seafair Scholarship Program for Women. Victoria Ferrulli came to the meeting to thank ANA; she was on the West Seattle Hi-Yu Senior Court two summers ago and is now in the running for Miss Seafair. She’ll be a junior this fall at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida, where she’s majoring in chemistry, minoring in math and human development, as she looks ahead to a career in teaching. Miss Seafair will be coronated as always before the Torchlight Parade, which is on July 27th this year.

COUNTY ASSESSOR LLOYD HARA: He makes 200 public appearances a year, Hara told ANA, and, having seen him at multiple West Seattle and White Center venues in recent years, we suspect that might even be an underestimate. He brought a PowerPoint presentation, with the following toplines:

*Next physical inspection for West Seattle properties is next year, 2014
*Assessor’s staffers have legal right to go inside and inspect your property but usually just request to, as a courtesy
*They take a picture of property every six years
*The Assessor’s Office sets property values on Jan. 1st of each year
*Plenty of new construction in WS; that’s valued on July 31 instead of 1/1
*Some valuation notices come out starting in June
*County property values have gone down but property taxes have gone up, mostly because of levies
*Median assessed value in West Seattle has dropped
*51 percent of property-tax $ goes to schools
*Know your exemptions, such as those for disabled veterans and seniors
*King County Parcel Viewer (where you can look up information about a particular property) gets 4 million pageviews a month, second in the county’s online realm only to the Metro bus schedule

SURPLUS SUBSTATIONS: While briefing ANA on last week’s Southwest District Council meeting, Jim Cavin mentioned the Seattle City Light presentation about surplus substations in West Seattle, and a public process under way to determine the sites’ fate. Here’s a map:

Public meetings are planned this fall – details are here.

SEX OFFENDERS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD: As reported here last month, Seattle Police circulated word of a Level 3 sex offender moving into the area, and that brought a citizen to the ANA meeting to talk about organizing a meeting to discuss the situation. No date/place set yet.

47th/ADMIRAL SIGNAL: ANA president David Whiting updated the group on the City Council’s decision to fully fund a signal, and said the money is awaiting a full-council final vote.

BICYCLE MASTER PLAN: Whiting mentioned the BMP Update has proposals for Admiral, including a possible greenway on 45th SW (see the map here.

ADMIRAL 4TH OF JULY KIDS’ PARADE: ANA sold concessions at Hamilton Viewpoint Park again this year, post-parade (photo above is from our parade coverage), and brought in more than $600.

The Admiral Neighborhood Association usually meets second Tuesdays, 7 pm, in the lower-level meeting room at Admiral Congregational Church, but like many group will take August off, so they’ll see you in September!

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