West Seattle, Washington
11 Tuesday
After almost four hours, the Southwest Design Review Board‘s doubleheader meeting has just wrapped up. We have it all on video, and detailed notes to come, but for right now, the bottom line: Both projects advanced. First one up, ~150 units and 115 parking spaces at 4745 40th SW, moves from the Early Design Guidance phase to the “recommendations” phase – meaning there might be just one more meeting for that project. Second one up, the ~370-apartment, 600-parking-space 4755 Fauntleroy Way SW megaproject, won final SWDRB approval – technically a recommendation to city officials – after four meetings. Both recommendations come with conditions that will be formalized by city planners, and this is nowhere near final approval for construction – a variety of other permit processes will follow, and there’s still time to comment (we’ll explain how in our longer coverage). The 4755 Fauntleroy team has said they hope to get their project going by year’s end; we’ll check with the 4745 40th SW team tomorrow.
With the West Seattle Grand Parade just nine days away, coordinators have a request: They’re looking for two people who have convertibles and would be willing to drive them in the parade, with dignitaries on board! The parade heads down California SW from Lander (by Hiawatha) to Edmunds (south end of The Junction) starting at 11 am on Saturday, July 20th. If you can – or might be able to – help, please e-mail parade co-coordinator Dave Vague ASAP at vagued@comcast.net – thanks!
(UPDATING late Thursday with video and more photos)
(Live SDOT camera looking north along California from Alaska)
In The Junction, the barricades are up and the pre-West Seattle Summer Fest fun (and setup!) has begun. California is closed from Edmunds to Oregon, then open for cross-traffic at Oregon, and closed again from Oregon north to Genesee; Alaska is closed between 42nd and 44th. Tonight’s plan includes:
*West Seattle Art Walk until 9 pm – see artist/venue previews, and the map/list, here
*44th/Morgan (video above), musicians live until 8 pm outside Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor)
*Bret Wiggins with two sets of his Elvis stylings outside La Romanza Bistro Italiano (WSB sponsor)
*Bubbleman scheduled to be under way now outside Elliott Bay Brewing
Check in on your favorite eating/drinking places – many have other special plans tonight; Puerto Vallarta called us earlier and said its kitchen will be open until 1 am.
ADDED 7:17 PM: We heard from Linda Cox with RE/MAX on 44th – they’re having a burger barbecue! Live music too:
So wander westward while you’re in The Junction.
7:36 PM: And a reminder that Art Walk is under way all over the peninsula, not just The Junction. Erik LaSeur shares a photo from the Center for Movement and Healing in Gatewood:
That’s artist Jolene Hagin, showing encaustics & oils. More to come!
The countdown’s almost over and West Seattle Summer Fest 2013 is hours away – but we have a few more previews tonight – including this: The brand-new West Seattle Timebank will debut at Summer Fest! The idea’s been percolating for a while, and there was an organizational meeting last year. Now, Tamsen Spengler sends word the West Seattle Timebank‘s website has just gone live, and the Timebank will be at GreenLife with Sustainable West Seattle (see the GL location on the map above), 11 am-5 pm all three Summer Fest days, Friday-Sunday. To find out more about it, check out the brochure here and the flyer for the July 24th orientation, here.
A judge has reduced bail for the woman charged with three felonies in the South Delridge crash that sent two people to the hospital last month. According to court documents, 26-year-old Kalameu Paulo of Seatac pleaded not guilty yesterday; she is charged with two counts of vehicular assault and one count of hit-and-run. Prosecutors allege she was under the influence when her van smashed into a smaller car at 17th and Cambridge early the morning of June 23rd, sending driver Logan Wicker and his passenger to the hospital; police say they caught Paulo running away from the scene.
At the arraignment, King County Superior Court Judge Ronald Kessler granted her request for lower bail, reducing it to $5,000 from the previously set $75,000. If she posts bond and gets out, she is supposed to participate in the alternative program known as CCAP (explained here), but will not be allowed to drive. If she does not post bond to get out of jail, she will be able to leave during the day for work or school release, according to court documents, which say that in either case, Paulo is supposed to be tested for drug or alcohol use twice a month. She is scheduled to return to court on July 24th. Meantime, as reported here earlier this week, a fundraiser for Wicker’s medical bills is set this Saturday at his workplace, Skylark Café and Club.
SATURDAY UPDATE: According to the jail register, Paulo posted bond and was released Friday afternoon.
The Admiral Neighborhood Association, the only community council in West Seattle to present an annual concert series, has unveiled this year’s poster for this year’s 5th annual Summer Concerts at Hiawatha (co-sponsored by WSB). Concert-series updates were part of the agenda at this week’s ANA meeting; ANA’s Katy Walum says the poster is once again a pro-bono creation by Kiran Robertson of Lovejoy Design. Special features this year include the Hiawatha fundraising barbecue during the Dusty 45s show on August 1st. That night also will feature face-painting, as will the August 22nd Fly Moon Royalty performance.
Ahead in our coverage of what else was discussed at the meeting: 2 special guests, including what you need to know about your property taxes, plus other information you might find of interest even if you don’t live in the Admiral area, including six parcels of city land that might wind up for sale:
Just got word from Seattle Parks that the repair work is over and Highland Park Spraypark (11th/Cloverdale) will reopen at 12:30 pm today. Its regular hours are 11 am-8 pm daily; info on the city’s other kid-geared aquatic facilities (wading pools and other sprayparks) can be found here.
Thanks to Trileigh Tucker for that photo of a black-capped chickadee having a blast in the birdbath. Remember to keep your birdbath(s) full – cloudy today but still dry and they evaporate fast!
WATER TAXI EXTENDED SERVICE: Just as we got ready to publish this, King County issued a reminder that the West Seattle Water Taxi will run late tonight to serve the soccer crowds.
WEST SEATTLE SUMMER FEST EVE! Though the festival doesn’t officially start until tomorrow, the fun starts when the streets close tonight, including: Bret Wiggins‘ Elvis stylings outside La Romanza Bistro (WSB sponsor); The Bubbleman outside Elliott Bay Brewery; Yada Yada Blues Band outside West 5; plus music at Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor), too – 44th and Morgan featuring Alex, Maya and Conor, 6-8 pm.
SUMMER FEST STREET/BUS CHANGES START TONIGHT: See the details in the traffic/transit tracker we published this morning.
WEST SEATTLE ART WALK: Happening tonight too, not only in The Junction, but in other venues around the peninsula! Check out the summer-quarter poster:
The list/map of more than two dozen venues is here. And you can preview some of the artists and venues on the official Art Walk website.
SPRAYPARK REPAIRS: As reported here yesterday, the Highland Park Spraypark is closed until a valve problem is fixed – crews were scheduled to start work this morning, and we’ll have an update when it reopens.
DESIGN REVIEW FOR TWO PROJECTS: It’s another doubleheader for the Southwest Design Review Board at the Senior Center of West Seattle – at 6:30 pm, they look at 4745 40th SW; at 8 pm, they look at 4755 Fauntleroy Way SW. Both were previewed here yesterday; our report includes links to the meeting “packets.” The meetings will include public-comment opportunities. (2nd floor, California/Oregon)
CLASSES FOR CAREGIVERS: “Powerful Tools for Caregivers,” a free six-week series of classes, starts tonight at 6:30 pm at Providence Mount St. Vincent. (4831 35th SW)
‘THE WAY OUT’: The Acrobatic Conundrum‘s show opens tonight at 7:30 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. Details in the calendar listing. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
And to our south …
RATCITY ARTCITY: White Center’s monthly art walk features live painting tonight starting at 6 pm – venues and artists listed here.
Even more on the calendar!
We’re welcoming a new WSB sponsor today, West Seattle’s Thunder Road Guitars! Here’s what they’d like you to know:
Thunder Road Guitars offers a unique, hand picked selection of fine vintage and used guitars and amplifiers as well as boutique effects from some of today’s most innovative pedal builders. Also offering professional guitar repair and a great selection of accessories for the gigging musician, it’s safe to say that Thunder Road Guitars has been a welcome addition to the West Seattle community.
Frank Gross, owner and founder of Thunder Road Guitars, has had a passion for vintage instruments from a young age and has worked in the instrument retail field for more than a decade. At the end of 2011 he decided to launch TRG, initially operating as a web-based business. The store quickly expanded, and Frank opened their physical storefront in his hometown of West Seattle in November 2012. Since opening in West Seattle, TRG has expanded to offer a larger and constantly rotating selection of fine vintage, used, and rare guitars and amplifiers, as well as more recently offering professional guitar repair services by guitar tech Chris Thompson.
Thunder Road Guitars is located at 3916 California SW (map) and is open Wednesdays – Saturdays 10 am – 6 pm and Sundays-Tuesdays by appointment, and online 8 days a week at thunderroadguitars.com. Stop in and say hello!
We thank Thunder Road Guitars for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.
Since our West Seattle Little League All-Stars update last night, one more district championship to report – Judy sent word that the Juniors won the District 7 tournament last night in Burien and are on their way to the state tournament starting July 20th in Spokane. And last night’s victory, she says, was a thriller: “They won 7 to 6 in the bottom of the 7th inning. They started their at-bat down 5 to 6 — so scored two runs to win.” The victory was over the home team, PacWest. Congratulations and good luck at state!
(Live view from the east-facing WS Bridge camera; other cameras are on the WSB Traffic page)
Good morning! One West Seattle transit note today: SDOT was expecting to complete the final work on Phase 3 of the Delridge Repaving Project – overlapping a few days with the start of Phase 4 – in time for this morning’s commute, so Metro Route 120 should be back to its regular route on southbound Delridge Way between Holden and Thistle.
If you travel through SODO, note that the stadium zone is BUSY today – an afternoon Mariners game and two soccer matches tonight – SDOT has the details here.
We’re also looking ahead to bus and street changes taking effect in The Junction tonight and continuing through West Seattle Summer Fest for Friday/Saturday/Sunday:
That’s the live SDOT cam in The Junction, where no-parking restrictions take effect at 4 pm today along California SW between Genesee and Edmunds and along SW Alaska between 44th and 42nd, the streets that will close by 6 pm for Summer Fest prep and will stay closed until everything’s cleared late Sunday night. That means major bus changes in the area too – check here before you head out, and/or make note of these direct links to individual routes’ reroute info:
*RapidRide C Line
*Route 22
*Route 37
*Route 50
*Route 55
*Route 57
*Route 128
*Route 773 (Water Taxi shuttle)
Go bowling on Sunday and help local students! The photo and announcement are from Jeanne Flohr at Seattle Lutheran High School, who :
The SLHS football team is holding their annual bowling fundraiser this Sunday, July 14, 2013 from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm at the West Seattle Bowl. This is a great way to enjoy fellowship and fun with family and friends while supporting Saints athletics. Proceeds from the event will benefit the SLHS football and cheer programs. Cost is $20.00 for two games, including shoes. Bowling teams are welcome. For more information, please contact Football Coach Jeff Scott at 206-696-5333.