Next chance to tour West Seattle fire stations: 1 month away

Tours of local Seattle Fire Department stations are always a hot ticket – and tonight we know that the city’s Neighbor Appreciation Day, exactly one month away, is your next chance, so here’s an early alert. SFD says three of West Seattle’s five fire stations will be open that day, 11 am-1 pm February 9th – Station 11 at 16th/Holden in Highland Park, Station 32 at 38th/Alaska in The Triangle, and Station 37 at 35th/Holden in Sunrise Heights. (The Department of Neighborhoods will announce other Neighbor Appreciation Day events soon.) WSB photo from Station 37 on 2012’s Neighbor Appreciation Day

2 Replies to "Next chance to tour West Seattle fire stations: 1 month away"

  • Watchdog January 9, 2013 (7:59 pm)

    Speaking of fire stations, what’s going on with the the old station that was purchased last year? Looks like someone moved some furniture into the garage, and hasn’t done anything inside or out in months.

    • WSB January 9, 2013 (8:50 pm)

      Watchdog, it’s a private residence – as the buyer made very clear at the time of the purchase; we contacted her to ask for comment and (as we wrote at the time) she didn’t want to be quoted or identified. Since beyond the fact the city sold it, it’s not a matter of public safety or urgency, we moved on The only exception here would be the fact that it’s a city landmark, so if any substantial changes had been proposed, they would need approval. We monitor the Landmarks Board agendas for West Seattle-related matters, and nothing’s turned up. – TR

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