West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 break-ins, one interrupted

Two burglary reports in West Seattle Crime Watch today:

The first one answers a few questions we received last night and this morning about police cars rushing Admiral-bound on Tuesday evening and a traffic stop on the bridge: A neighbor told us late last night about a burglary in the 3700 block of SW Grayson in Admiral (map); we weren’t able to get followup information till this morning, but here’s what SPD’s Det. Mark Jamieson could tell us:

Officers answered a “burglary in progress” call that came in at 5:22 pm. The victim came home from work and saw a ladder up against the house, where there shouldn’t have been one; walking around the east side of the house, they noticed a stranger inside – described as a white male in a white T-shirt and backward baseball cap. The intruder saw the resident and bolted, kicking open and destroying a French door in the process. The burglary victim saw a white “Ford or Chevy type” van in the area, and shared that information with police, who subsequently stopped one. However, no arrest was made, Det. Jamieson says, because the resident couldn’t confirm that was the person seen inside the house. (While the available SPD information didn’t include the location where the van was stopped, we received a separate note this morning from a WSB’er wondering why traffic was stopped on the eastbound bridge about that time as police questioned someone in a white van.)

Also in Crime Watch today, a reader report from Mike:

Wanted to inform you that my garage on 31st ave SW near High Point playfield was broken into sometime last Saturday (8/12) between midnight and about 2:00 or so in the afternoon. They broke the latch on the main garage door and took pretty much all of my tools. According to the cop that came over to talk to me, another guy’s truck was broken into across the street as well. The insult to injury was that I was fixing my car at the time – they even took the parts I had just bought for my car.

8 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 break-ins, one interrupted"

  • Jhonattan August 15, 2012 (1:30 pm)

    woaaah this is crazy! My bike got stolen yesterday, between 6-10PM, it was taken from my apartment’s parking lot (my parking spot) that is 10ft away from Harbor Ave. They broke the ignition to unlock the handlebar… left the pieces behind.

    What’s going on Seattle Police Department, hould we consider moving out?

  • Stacey's mom August 15, 2012 (3:11 pm)

    .. Anymore this is common behavior. The bad guys seem to be getting bolder. My car was stolen twice in a short timeframe. I had just used all my savings to get major things fixed on it. On top of that Gary’s towing wanted me to pay them over $500 to get my stolen car that had to be towed one mile! No money so had to sign my title over to them. Sorry you had the experience.

  • resident3 August 15, 2012 (3:23 pm)

    This spree died down for a bit right? Did the peeps caught last time just finish their sentence and are back at it again?

  • TW August 15, 2012 (3:58 pm)

    They had pulled over a different white van on Admiral at the same time. I saw both on my home from work and wondered if they were related as they were very similar looking vans.

  • ls August 15, 2012 (4:41 pm)

    Yes it’s related, the two vans were stopped because both fit the description of the vehicle that sped away from the home invasion.

  • June August 16, 2012 (3:43 am)

    I hope these perpetrators get caught. Ruining it for the rest of us – people working hard everyday to make a living and lead a full life.

  • k August 16, 2012 (2:31 pm)

    I’ve noticed some folks painting their houses during this stretch of dry weather. Please be wary of leaving a ladder in the yard.

  • Wendy G August 18, 2012 (10:04 am)

    I actually saw the white van pulled over by three police officers going down the hill on Admiral. I wondered why there were so many officers. The guy was caucasian, white tee shirt, jeans, slight build, perhaps 5’9 or 5’10. And, yes, probably a 90’s white van.

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