West Seattle school auctions ahead: Madison on March 10

February 29, 2012 8:48 pm
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In the past day or so, we’ve received announcements about three local schools’ upcoming auctions. These events are always your chance to help local kids – so here’s the first of three standalone shoutouts: Madison Middle School‘s “Class Act” auction event is coming up March 10th, with just two days left to buy tickets. Here’s the announcement:

Calling all Madison Middle School Alumni and auction fans everywhere!

Madison Middle School is holding its annual Class Act Auction on March 10, 2012 at 5:00 at the Hall at Fauntleroy.

We have some incredible donations just waiting to be bid on and taken home.

Madison has won a number of prestigeous awards this year and would like to continue to keep the bar high by raising money to fund up-to-date technology and curriculum to challenge and engage students.

Auction tickets are still available. To purchase tickets, sponsor a teacher or make a donation to the auction, go to madisonmiddleschool.schoolauction.net/madisonauction2012/ and click on the “purchase tickets” or “make a donation” buttons. Ticket sales end Friday, March 2, so get them soon!

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