day : 23/07/2011 11 results

West Seattle Grand Parade 2011, report #4: Hi-Yu represents!

July 23, 2011 11:11 pm
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 |   West Seattle Grand Parade | West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival | West Seattle news

(All WSB parade coverage is archived here, newest to oldest.)

While it’s not the “Hi-Yu Parade” any more, it wouldn’t be the West Seattle Grand Parade without the West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival float and volunteers. West Seattle is the last neighborhood in the city with a community float, and every year, Hi-Yu chooses a new theme for its float and button (always open to public suggestions, so watch for the announcement here and on the Hi-Yu Facebook page in wintertime!). This year, it’s “Sparkling Seattle.” The current Junior and Senior Courts rode on the float in today’s parade, while the newly coronated Junior Court whose reign starts this fall carried another Hi-Yu banner in the West Seattle Rotary Kiddie Parade:

(From left, the incoming Junior Court’s Princess Elena, Queen Thea, and Princess Amanda.) Along the parade sidelines, HI-Yu volunteers sold buttons as a fundraiser as usual, and Hi-Yu president Tim Winston wanted to share these words of appreciation:

Hi-Yu is very appreciative of all the people who bought Hi-Yu buttons and pins today along the parade route and, for that matter, all the people who purchased buttons and pins earlier in the month at Pirates Landing, Summer Fest, Concert in the Park, etc.. We thank all for their support! Proceeds help both the Scholarship and Float Programs. The Festival does not happen without the support of our community. Thank you so much!

Video: West Seattle Outdoor Movies’ opening night (with Matt Baker!)

7:44 PM: About 80 people were already settling into spots in the Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) courtyard as of half an hour ago, according to Lora Swift (who shared the photo), on the one-week-delayed opening night of this year’s West Seattle Outdoor Movies series. “Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure” is the movie, at dusk; comic/juggler Matt Baker, a West Seattleite who’s been on national TV and tours, is scheduled to provide pre-show entertainment (after performing earlier tonight at the Admiral Theater *added, a photo of Matt and Lora*).

Free, except for a raffle and concessions benefiting local nonprofits. Hotwire’s at 4410 California SW – bring your own blanket/chair and grab a spot! Movies are scheduled every Saturday night through August 27th (concluding that night with the movie rescheduled from last week, “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”; next week, it’s the classic “Airplane!”).

ADDED SUNDAY: Our video of Matt Baker juggling:

(Lora says he’s a Hotwire regular.)

Police investigate stabbing in Highland Park, 1 victim

6:14 PM: Police are investigating a stabbing at 14th and Henderson in Highland Park. The victim is male and being rushed to the hospital now. More as we get it.

6:34 PM UPDATE: This happened at an apartment building; while we wait to talk to the lieutenant who’s on scene, scanner communication describes it as a domestic-violence incident, with the suspect(s) possibly in a brown Ford Bronco with tinted windows and spinner-style rims, headed north. While few crime scenes are “calm,” this one seems particularly tense, with more than a few of the people outside the building expressing themselves loudly and emotionally.

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
7:15 PM UPDATE: At the scene, Lt. Ron Smith tells us it’s still too soon to say exactly what happened, as different people are telling them different stories. One person who he says may or may not be a suspect has voluntarily turned himself in. They have found what may be the weapons that is used, but they’re still searching, to be sure.

West Seattle Grand Parade 2011 report #3: The winners!

(NOTE: We’re continuing to add video/photos to this story through Sunday evening)

West Seattle American Legion Post 160 Grand Parade organizers have just sent the list of winning entries from the nearly 80 in this year’s parade – including, in its parade debut, the Sustainable West Seattle solar/human-powered Trikeceratops winning the “Community” category! Parade organizers also are thanking sponsors West Seattle Christian Church and West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor) and other donors (listed here, including WSB). Co-coordinator Dave Vague says, “It appeared we had one of the most well-attended parades in years.” And the winners are:

Overall Winners

1st – Seattle Schools All-City Marching Band (video above, as they entered the parade route)
2nd – Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish & School
3rd – Marysville Strawberry Festival Float


Legion Trophy – Marysville Strawberry Festival, MaryFest, Inc. “Berrywood” (video above)

Alki Trophy – Sequim Irrigation Festival (video above)
Judges Trophy – Puyallup Daffodil Festival “Spirit of Adventure”
Festival Trophy – Port Orchard “Fathoms of Fun”


1st – Sustainable West Seattle (see top photo)

2nd – Hope Lutheran Gospel Outreach (photo above)

3rd -Cub Scout Troops of West Seattle (video above)

Performing Acts

(Pirate photo courtesy of Byron, principal of Textura Design & publisher of Bike Hugger)
1st – Seattle Seafair Pirates
2nd – Lake City Vigilantes
3rd – Evergreen Tang Soo Do Academy


1st – Seattle Seafair Clowns
2nd – Keystone Kops
3rd – West Seattle Shrine Club Clowns

Marching Bands

1st – Calgary Round-Up Band (video above)
2nd – Kennedy Catholic High School Band
3rd – Pacific Northwest Drum Line


1st – Luna Park Café
2nd – Seattle Public Utilities
3rd – Hadlock Towing

Cars & Antique Cars

1st – Last Resort Fire Department
2nd – Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club
3rd – Seattle Lutheran Schools

Drill Teams – Jr

1st – Baby Dangerettes Drill Team
2nd – “Jr. Electronetts” Babynetts Drill Team
3rd – Emerald City Divas Drill Team

Drill Teams – Sr

1st – Seattle Chinese Community Girls Drill Team (video above)
2nd – Sweet Mahogany Drill Team
3rd – Electronetts Drill Team & Drum Squad

We’ll be adding more images to this – and we have more post-parade reports to come – including spontaneous sights along the way.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen car’s owner shares advice

From Jason, via Facebook:

Our Honda Accord (white – yr 96) was stolen last night from the corner of 18th & Kenyon. Police came by to make a report and said there has been a rash of Honda thefts in the area…kids taking them for joyrides and then dumping the cars up north or else where. Police recommended, especially if you have a Honda, to get a club for the steering wheel !……

Here’s other police advice for how to try to prevent car theft.

Happening now: Alki Art Fair 2011, day 1

Alki is buzzing with more than sunbathers today – it’s day 1 of the all-weekend Alki Art Fair, with art being shown and sold, plus continuous live music (two stages! schedule’s linked from the official website) and more. If you get a minute, stop to thank the volunteers who are making it happen – this year, as we reported months ago, there was a real chance it wouldn’t happen, since city budget cuts affected Parks staffers who helped with it in the past. In the main booth right now, Ron and Anna:

An artist we remember from last year is back, Brandon from Strange Child, with his octopus T-shirts (among others):

And it wouldn’t be an Alki event without Seal Sitters volunteers – we found Nina with her seal puppet “Storm”:

Music continues till 8:30 tonight; the booths are scheduled to be open at least until 5.

West Seattle Grand Parade 2011, report #2: It’s under way!

10:47 AM: The West Seattle Grand Parade has just officially begun with the motorcycle drill teams – Seattle Police first, followed by Vancouver (BC). Just so you know – it’s on – hundreds of people volunteering their time to put on a rolling show! California/Lander to California/Edmunds (with the Rotary Kiddies Parade leaving California/Genesee ahead of the motorcyclists’ arrival – photo added below, Rotary president Sue Lindblom leading the Kiddies’ Parade):

11:23 AM: And the rest of the parade has now begun.

(First Seafair Pirates cannon shot of the parade!)
12:44 PM: It ended a few minutes ago at the north end of the route – with the Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club!

The parade is still continuing, of course, down toward The Junction. This end is about to reopen to traffic, police are announcing via loudspeaker, but avoid California for a while on the south end of the parade route, to SW Dawson, since that’s where floats and other entries are breaking down and regrouping. Miss the parade? Check our Twitter feed for as-it-happened photos (we’re adding a few to this) – and we’ll have other reports later with highlights, video, and more. (We’ll also be heading off to the Alki Art Fair!)

West Seattle Grand Parade 2011, report #1: Pre-parade setup

July 23, 2011 9:31 am
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 |   West Seattle Grand Parade | West Seattle news

9:31 AM: We’re in the heart of the West Seattle Grand Parade staging zone on California by Lafayette Elementary – and as a Seafair Commodore noted, it’s very different this year, without the old Safeway lots for staging. The big floats are here already – that’s the sparkling purple Sequim Irrigation Festival float. Not far away, the Tibbetts United Methodist Church (WSB sponsor) parade entry:

Watch its front end in the parade – it includes a plug for their Facebook page! The Hi-Yu “Sparkling Seattle” float is of course here too:

Meantime, we checked the scene along the route, as we headed north:

Chairs are out in many places, especially The Junction. California is closed from Hanford to Admiral; the rest of the stretch will be closed shortly. We spotted parade co-coordinator Jim Edwards on a quick motorcycle run to inspect the route (looks like most were heeding the NO PARKING signs – remember, this is the first year American Legion Post 160, which puts on the parade, had to foot the bill itself, and luckily some community sponsors came forward – look for the banners in their honor during the parade).

Back here at the north end of the route, it’s time for some to rehearse, like All-City Band members on the field by Hiawatha:

And we spotted parade Grand Marshals Art and Gloria Peters arriving:

ADDED 10 AM: More photos as the staging zone really starts to fill up – here’s Art with Lts. Pierre Davis and Ron Smith from the Southwest Precinct:

Courtesy of Our Lady of Guadalupe – you’ll be seeing stars!

On the side streets: Here’s how you get a tow truck ready to bring up the rear in the parade:

And here’s an entry that won’t need towing – solar- and human-powered, from Sustainable West Seattle:

Again, the parade runs along California from Lander (Lafayette/Admiral Safeway/Hiawatha) to Edmunds (south end of The Junction – Terrible Beauty/7-11), officially starting at 11 (but the motorcycle drill teams will get going a bit earlier) – get your seat if you want to see it in person!

ADDED 10:39 AM: One last round of preview photos before the parade starts shortly – first, Orville Rummel Trophy winner Cindi Barker with her mate Ron Zuber, who’s riding in a separate convertible as the new Commander of the West Seattle VFW Post:

And leading off the parade as always will be the two motorcycle drill teams – here are the visitors from Vancouver, for whom this is their only local parade appearance:

We’ll post a separate update when the parade starts – just in case you’re waiting, or else wondering when it’s under way because you need to get around town – then complete coverage, with video, afterward.

West Seattle Saturday: Grand Parade, Alki Art Fair, Outdoor Movie, and more…

BIG summer-fun day in West Seattle:

View West Seattle Grand Parade route in a larger map

WEST SEATTLE GRAND PARADE: That’s the route for today’s West Seattle Grand Parade presented by American Legion Post 160, official start time 11 am, California from Lander to Edmunds, though the motorcycle drill teams roll as early as 10:30. It’s preceded by the West Seattle Rotary Kiddie Parade gathering at 10 am to leave at 11 from California/Genesee (that starting point is noted by the periwinkle marker; all kids welcome to participate). 77 entries are scheduled for the Grand Parade; you can see our previews in this WSB archive (scroll through, as it’s archived newest to oldest). Traffic/transit effects, even for those not attending the parade, are along the route and the side streets, plus a section of southbound California immediately south of the parade’s end at Edmunds; check your Metro route’s schedule for reroutes. South of the staging area from Admiral to Edmunds on California, it’s a “soft closure” around 9:30, enforced by 10, according to parade co-coordinator Jim Edmunds. Advance coverage from the staging zone, coming up! Then today at the beach:

ALKI ART FAIR: Starts at 10 am for the first of two days. Vendors/artists/activities scheduled till 5 pm; live music continues tonight till 8:30 (schedule is on the official fair website). Free but bring $ for T-shirt that supports the volunteer-run fair, for incredible items vendors are selling, for silent auction 11 am-4 pm in the Bathhouse. Lots more details in our earlier previews (scroll down the page that takes you to). All along the promenade around the Bathhouse (whose centennial celebration is part of the fun, including a 2:30 pm vintage-bathing-suit fashion show today). Then recover tonight by relaxing with movie comedy under the stars:

(WSB photo from 7/18/2010, biggest opening-night crowd ever for WS Outdoor Movies)
WEST SEATTLE OUTDOOR MOVIES: Season debut, since last week was a rainout, but the schedule remains the same, so tonight is “Pee Wee’s Big Adventure ” at dusk, following preshow entertainment by local comedian/juggler Matt Baker, bring your own chair/blanket, courtyard next to Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor, 4410 California SW). Free but bring $ for concessions/raffles benefiting charity.

Also on tap:

SWIMMING: Colman Pool continues its 7-day-a-week summer operations (pool schedule/other info here) … Wading pools open IF the weather is forecast for 70+ degrees (wading pool schedule here)

HELP CLEAN UP ALONG DELRIDGE WAY: Adopt-a-Street in Delridge, 10 am-noon, meet @ Delridge Community Center.

FAUNTLEROY PARK NEEDS YOU: EarthCorps volunteer environmental-restoration event at Fauntleroy Park (10 am – 2 pm). Durable footwear such as work boots, hiking boots or running shoes are recommended for these events. Bring a lunch if you would like as well as a water bottle and a coffee cup/travel mug for refreshments.

ART CONTEST: Unique Families of Seattle art contest crafting session at Southwest Public Library (9010 35th Ave SW), 11 am – 1 pm, for kids/tweens/teens: What is their view of your family? What does your family represent to them? What do they feel their role is in the family? Attendance at a crafting session is not mandatory to enter the contest. Accepting one-dimensional pieces made in any medium, ages 4-18.

(added) FUNDRAISING BAKE SALE: Westcrest Park, Seattle, 12 -4, bake sale to raise money for Charlie the dog’s vet bills (explained on Facebook). Sydni says the lineup includes raspberry bars, triple dark chocolate brownies, caramel walnut brownies, fudge center chocolate cupcakes, lemon grapefruit cupcakes, red velvet cupcakes, chocolate chip, oatmeal chocolate chip, peanut butter and sugar cookies and more, and Full Tilt has donated ice-cream half pints!

TOUR THE CHINESE GARDEN: Free guided tours of the Seattle Chinese Garden every Saturday at 1 pm. The garden is open noon-5 pm. Admission free for Seattle residents, members, and children under 5. Others: Adults $6, Seniors 62+ and students $5. Location: 6000 16th SW; use the north entrance to South Seattle Community College.

SHAKESPEARE AT LINCOLN PARK: GreenStage presents Shakespeare in the Park, Lincoln Park at 7 pm with “Antony and Cleopatra”. Free.

‘VAUD SQUAD’ AT THE ADMIRAL: At the historic Admiral Theater – The Vaud Squad consists of 3 seasoned performers: Joe Black, Magician and Stage Hypnotist (America’s Got Talent); Matt Baker, Juggler (Last Comic Standing); and mentalist Lance Campbell. (Baker and Black are West Seattleites.) The Vaud Squad combines humor, agility, mind boggling mental prowess and great fun for the whole family. Watch an online preview. Tickets are $8 – $12, available at the door.

BILLIE HOLIDAY TRIBUTE: At Kenyon Hall(7904 35th Ave SW): Stacie Calkins and David Duvall present “Lady Day and the Blues” honoring jazz singer Billie Holiday. Reserved table seats are $14. Row seating is $12 general and $10 seniors. With a reservation, row seating is only $10 general and $8 seniors. Elementary, middle, & high school students are $5. Pre- school children are free, and Root Beer Floats are still only a buck. To make a reservation, please e-mail with your request.

Camp Long Advisory Council reviews park incident, and more

Story and photos by Karen Berge
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

After concerns surfaced following the Camp Long incident last week that preceded an hours-long SWAT standoff at a Delridge home, members of the park’s Advisory Council extended an open public invitation to its next meeting. (The meetings are public anyway, but not usually so high-profile.)

That meeting was held this past Thursday night.

The council had set aside the first half hour of the 2-hour meeting to focus on the top-of-mind incident involving what was reported as a large group of teens partying on Thursday night, July 14, with some reported to be intoxicated. They structured it for a 10-minute debrief, 10 minutes of public comments, and 10 minutes to present/discuss the council’s recommendations. About 20 people were there, including three Seattle Police Department representatives – Southwest Precinct operations Lt. Pierre Davis and Community Police Team (CPT) Officers Jonathan Kiehn and Ken Mazzuca — as well as members of the Advisory Council and Camp Long staff, plus other representatives from the Parks Department and Olympic Security (which provides security for the park), as well as a few people who live in the immediate neighborhood, and a woman who was chaperoning children on a park campout that night.

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Summer Concerts at Hiawatha start Thursday – here’s proof!

July 23, 2011 2:42 am
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 |   Fun stuff to do | West Seattle news | WS culture/arts

(Photo courtesy Erik Walum)
If you’re watching today’s West Seattle Grand Parade near its starting point – check out the sign that went up Friday on the west edge of Hiawatha Playfield – it’s a reminder that the Admiral Neighborhood Association-presented Summer Concerts at Hiawatha series is about to begin. Thursday night (July 28) is the first concert, by the dancing, fiddling, and singing trio The Gothard Sisters – 6:30 pm on Hiawatha’s east lawn, bring your own chairs/blankets, all ages welcome, more here! (Series sponsors – including WSB – are listed on the right side of the concert-series info page.)