West Seattle Crime Watch: Lund update; break-in; overnight fight

Three West Seattle Crime Watch stories in this roundup: First, an update on the case of Joel Lund, charged with domestic-violence assault after being arrested Thursday night while awaiting trial in a catalytic-converter-theft case. (As part of that case, you might recall from our previous coverage, a judge had released him from jail over prosecutors’ objections.) Online court records indicate that at arraignment today (unlike county court, city court – where Lund is charged – has Saturday sessions), the judge granted the prosecution’s request to set bail at $20,000. The online system also indicates a third assault charge is pending.

Second, a home break-in reported:

I want folks to be on the lookout – my home on Cloverdale near 32nd was burglarized some time yesterday between 8:30 and 7:30. They broke a very small window on the front door and must have reached through to unlock the door. They stole most of my jewelry and a couple of beers. I don’t own much of any other value, but they opened everything imaginable, and probably under the mattress, as the bed was in disarray. I’m in the process of moving, so everything is already torn up – I imagine that worked in my favor. I think they were spooked or interrupted, as they dropped some jewelry and didn’t take some things I imagine are easily marketable.

After the jump: What the victim thinks spooked the burglar, plus the description of a possibly stolen bike left behind. Also ahead, report #3, an overnight fight that sent 2 to the hospital):

The burglary victim continues:

I’m going to think it was because my neighbor, who was in his yard much of the day, saw someone walking down the street who “didn’t belong” and kind of got his radar up. He walked over 3 times just with a general feeling of unease, looking in the windows (from the street) for movement and also checking out the backyard from his adjacent yard, but never seeing anything. There was a fair amount of activity nearby, with a service provider coming and going at another house and construction of a traffic circle at the corner.

The thieves left a white bicycle propped up against the front fence, but I don’t remember what brand it was. If you’re missing a bike, contact the SW Precinct, as the responding officers took it as recovered property.

I’m trying to be calm, but am upset beyond belief. What they took had tremendous sentimental value (except for the beer!) and is part of my life story. I will try to focus on my gratitude that they didn’t cause more destruction or let my two “indoor only” kitties out. I am so grateful that my neighbors are watchful and were supportive when I ran to their house in tears. WS is still a great place to live – and keep an eye out!

Third note, in case you heard the sirens around 3:30 am – two people got into a fight near the Delridge Arco station (a stone’s throw from the precinct), with a knife and a board apparently involved, and both wound up in the hospital. KIRO has some video of police seeking evidence.

9 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Lund update; break-in; overnight fight"

  • Wayne April 23, 2011 (6:33 pm)

    I posted this on another thread, but this is from yesterday @ 32nd and Henderson, just a couple blocks from Cloverdale.

    Yesterday, around 2:30pm in the Westwood area, I saw a man running out of breath, trying to hide something in his sweatshirt. He didn’t seem to know where he was going and was in a panic. He ran towards one alley, and then changed his mind and ran towards the other alley. I followed him and saw him in the alley bent over, panting out of breath. I pretended to keep walking, and he then took off out the alley up towards 35th. I followed him as I called 911. I gave the description, and continued to follow him. I found him in another alley, panting, and when he saw me, he ran through someone’s backyard. I called 911 again and gave them an update. I didn’t see him come out of the yard. I waited for the police to show up, and after quite a few minutes passed, I called 911 again to ask if I gave them the right address, which was confirmed that I did. The police showed up and I spoke with them, and they did a search and talked with some other people that saw the man run through the yard also. They didn’t find him.

    Comment by Wayne — April 23, 11 11:42 am #

    The description of this person is, white male brown hair (medium length or maybe longer possibly tucked under a baseball cap) with a brown beard. Average build, between 5’9 to 6’0. Between late 20′s or early 30′s. Wearing a gray sweatshirt with dark pants, I believe a black baseball hat with a blue colored bill, wearing black gloves.

  • onceachef April 23, 2011 (6:39 pm)

    Was it a cutting board? :)

  • JimmyG April 23, 2011 (8:11 pm)

    WSB, King County has Saturday court.
    At the courtroom at KC Jail and the NMRJC.

    • WSB April 23, 2011 (8:24 pm)

      OK then, I should amend to “at the KC Courthouse.” This was a KCJ hearing of course, but I thought it was just Muni Court that seemed to be in session, as this is the second repeat offender whom I’ve noted having a Saturday hearing – another one pleaded guilty, posted the fine/bail, and got out all in the course of a Saturday after a Friday arrest. Always something new to learn … thanks! TR

  • los arayas April 23, 2011 (8:49 pm)

    the white bike leaning against the fence was a late 80’s or early 90’s bianchi mtn bike. i drove by and saw it there.

  • WS Lifer April 24, 2011 (8:01 am)

    Wayne, you’re a rock star!! I would have followed them, too. Good for you to have the instincts to *know* that dude was up to something! Thanks for being one of the good guys!

  • Wayne April 24, 2011 (5:00 pm)

    Well thank you WS Lifer, just trying to do my part in being vigilant. I keep talking to my neighbors trying to get them to do the same thing.

  • Annette Grupido April 25, 2011 (9:18 am)

    I’m hoping someone may have witnessed a hit and run on my car as it was parked in the 4700 block of 42nd Av SW in front of Safeway late Saturday night April 23rd. My vehicle is a gold Infiniti 4 door sedan and it was hit on the drivers side, with significant damage to the front corner panel and wheel. If anyone witnessed this accident please send me a message at agrupido@gmail.com.

  • Carolyn April 28, 2011 (1:19 am)

    Dear Neighbors,
    It is disheartening to hear of the break in, posted above, with the burglars accessing from a small window in the door. I have windows in my doors also, but have put on the ArmourCoat film on the inside of the door windows and other accessible windows. This keeps the glass from breaking out and makes it more difficult for intruders. Actually, I had to remove a window with this material a couple years ago, and it took a long time of hammering it before it would start to break apart. It might help others.

    There are sources on the Internet or in the telephone book.

    If you use it, I think the trick to putting it on without bubbles is to wet the glass first and then apply and squeegee.. but the supplier could advise or often install.

    Please take care, all.

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