West Seattle Christmas lights: Menashe Family display is on

The Menashe Family promised their famous display in the 5600 block of Beach Drive (map) would be on tonight – and on, it is. Here’s a look in HD video:

Tomorrow’s the night you’ll see them featured on a nationally broadcast TLC special (9 pm Saturday, “Invasion of the Christmas Lights 2“).

18 Replies to "West Seattle Christmas lights: Menashe Family display is on"

  • clark5080 December 3, 2010 (6:19 pm)

    Thanks Menashe’s from the Clark Family

  • GaryGnu42 December 3, 2010 (7:01 pm)

    Ye gods! It is Christmas in West SEATTLE not West Las Vegas! Personally, I prefer smaller more tasteful displays of lights instead of these kinds of huge, over-the-top spectacles with more lights than the approach corridor at Sea-Tac.

  • MsEvelyn December 3, 2010 (7:20 pm)

    What an awesome tradition! Thanks Menashe’s!!

  • sam December 3, 2010 (7:23 pm)

    thanks- we always enjoy it so much.
    (we saw it last night, I didn’t realize we were early). our toddler could have watched the train set all night, but we were cold !

  • Noelle December 3, 2010 (7:40 pm)

    I love that Christmas house! Always Beautiful Every year! Thank you!

  • MJ December 3, 2010 (8:09 pm)

    We just got back from the display. Beautiful as always. It’s such a kick to see the faces on the kids looking at all those lights…I’m sure our son will want to go back again (and possibly again!) before Christmas. Thanks Menashe’s!

  • Kristina December 3, 2010 (8:49 pm)

    We have visited the Menashe lights every year since our daughter was born; she’s almost eight. She has called it “the special house” ever since she could talk, and it means a great deal to her to visit it several times per season. Thank you, Menashe family!

  • Jamie hutchinson December 3, 2010 (8:55 pm)

    Wow! That is just beautiful. Great job!!

  • LAP December 3, 2010 (11:03 pm)

    As a child, my brother and I looked forward to when we would be driven by the Gai’s house to see their display…thanks Jack and Josh and Menashe family for taking up the mantle and giving West Seattle a new holiday landmark!

  • girlwonder December 3, 2010 (11:19 pm)

    Hey Garygnu….really? that family puts a lot of work and tradition into our west seattle neighborhood. why would you say that other than to poo poo on their efforts? Thank you Menashe family for providing a holiday extrodinare! It’s beautiful.

  • Rick December 4, 2010 (3:01 am)

    As the late,great Larry (Laurence) Welk would say; “Wunnerful,Wunnerful,Wunnerful!”.

  • Cclarue December 4, 2010 (10:04 am)

    Thank you fir keeping the cross lit Menashe Family !!!! Beautiful!!

  • Alki Resident December 4, 2010 (10:15 am)

    Mr.Gnu,perhaps you’d feel more comfortable in McCleary.We West Seattlelites have looked forward to seeing the Menaches display every year and even brag about it to strangers who then in turn go see it.They pay out of pocket expenses for set up and electricity,not for themselves but for the community to enjoy.Yrs ago the Gais did it and theyve passed sadly.Im greatful we have somewhere closeby we can drive by anytime and view.Itll be a sad day when it doesnt happen there anymore as well.

  • sarelly December 4, 2010 (10:37 am)

    We drag our kids down there to see the Menashe house every year whether they want to go or not! I love to see lights in the darkness as we approach the solstice.

  • GaryGnu42 December 4, 2010 (12:47 pm)

    Girlwonder and Alki Resident: I don’t know this family. I’m sure they’re lovely people. While no doubt well-intentioned I just don’t admire this kind of excess. MORE MORE MORE!

    To me it is akin to what has caused a lot of problems in our society and our country. To me there would be much more in the realm of the true Christmas spirit to take all of the money spent on this ostentatious display…including the huge electricity bill…and donate the money to the local food bank. What is so impressive about a Clark W. Griswoldian display of colored lights? And to think that TLC came and filmed it for television and that there are people sitting on their butts at home watching a television show about garish displays of Christmas lights is even more ridiculous.

    • WSB December 4, 2010 (1:02 pm)

      GG, please see the discussion of years past. As discussed then when a commenter or two made the same point, and as remains the case, this family *does* donate in just-as-huge a way (if not more so) to local charities, schools, churches. We try our best to spotlight West Seattleites who give, and who are in need of giving, too, but most are quiet and humble about it, so it’s not as easy to visualize that as this – I wish it were, because then people would know even more about the many heroes in our community who give their time, their talent, their treasure to help others. (We are, side note, honoring more such heroes tomorrow at the West Seattle Volunteer Recognition Awards presentation in The Junction, by KeyBank, 1 pm, come applaud the latest winners!) – TR

  • datamuse December 4, 2010 (4:03 pm)

    GaryGnu, you might wanna research the history of that “Christmas spirit” you’re talking about…excess has been a part of it just as long as has charity. Maybe longer.

    Personally, the Menashe display reminds me of the ones I used to go see in Washington D.C. when I was growing up.

    If you don’t like it, it’s not like it’s hard to avoid seeing it.

  • Arthur Rickard December 5, 2010 (1:31 am)

    I’m looking forward to Christmas this year. My brother will be joining my sister and I for Christmas Eve and the following day. I fill sorry for people like GaryGnu. you could take all the money in the world and give it to the poor and there will still be poverty. Chritmas is not simply about large flashy displays or small donates of aid to the needy. it is everything and everyone puting aside pettyness for the sheer joy of the season. It is in all of us to be wise. let us find the goodness in every thing and cherish every detail of Christmas, the great and the small. And so Mr. Gnu aside may I wish all of the world and the people of West Seattle a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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