Happening today/tonight: Cooper hearing; TV switch; wine; skating

June 12, 2009 7:54 am
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COOPER ELEMENTARY CLOSURE COURT HEARING: 10:30 this morning in King County Superior Court; closure opponents are offering bus rides to supporters who want to be there (as reported here).

TV SWITCH: This is the date TV’s all supposed to go digital. If you still need help making sure you’re ready, there’s a drop-in help center at Youngstown Arts Center (as reported here).

WINE RELEASE: 3-6 pm, the Northwest Wine Academy at South Seattle Community College hosts a free event for you to taste and purchase its summer wine releases (tomorrow too; more info here).

END-OF-YEAR SKATING PARTY: The popular Friday night roller-skating events at Alki Community Center wrap up the season with a party tonight, 6:45-8:45 pm, free admission – including hot dogs and a bouncy toy for younger kids.

More to come – for today, tomorrow and Sunday – in the West Seattle Weekend Lineup later this morning.

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