WS Montessori

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    We are very pleased with WS Montessori School. Our 5 year old son blossomed this year while attending and we will be sending our 4 year old as well this fall. The school is moving to a location near White Center, but they’ll have a van pool shuttle for kids who live on the North end of WS.



    It is nice to read that someone is happy with their child’s early learning experience. I’m sure your 4 year old will have a similar happy experience.

    I did see a huge red flag waving though, when I read about the van pool. I believe that vans are not safe for transporting groups of children or adults. In fact many states made illegal the use of vans for transporting kids to school. And the NHTSA agrees and posted a warning about the use of vans for transporting children and/or adults. I couldn’t find specifically what Washington says about this. Wading through a search of WAC is cumbersome. I do know that on the national level, Head Start programs are prohibited from using vans. Something to think about.



    Glad you had a great experience! My kids loved Montessori preschool so it is nice to hear people are still positive about it.



    I just want to welcome all the West Seattle Montessori families to White Center. I can only imagine that this has and is a challenging time for you. Remember, a building is just bricks and mortar-it’s the people inside, the intention and relationships you and your children have established that provide your child with the quality education they are getting at the school you have chosen. Stay connected and keep supporting the school that supports you! And come out and experience White Center-we have so much to offer if you just take the time and make the effort.


    A Neighbor



    Have they officially announced a particular location in White Center? Not seeing anything on the WSMS website.



    I am not connected to the school but I have heard that the building next door to the White Center library has been inspected for them?






    We signed our daughter up last spring to attend this year, but we haven’t heard a peep out of them. My wife’s called but no callbacks. Has anyone heard anything recently? Depending on which website you look at, the most recent update was Sept 2007. We’re starting to get a bit nervous…



    They are supposedly definitely moving into the White Center building – that’s all I can tell you. And last time I talked to Harbor Properties, they were still discussing the potential future WSMS permanent location in the new building at that site; expecting an update later this month if not sooner. – TR



    There is a sign on their new location. It is 16th and I think 112th? Right near the King County White Center Library.



    Hi all,

    This is in response to WestSeattleCoug.

    I tried several times to get a phone call back and/or a site tour of WS Montessori when we first moved to the area. It took me several tries to get a call back, and then when I did manage to get a tour scheduled, the staff didn’t show up(!). I decided that it was one strike and they were out, thinking that if there was ever an emergency, the front desk might not be able to handle it.

    Maybe check again to make sure the school operations are still acceptable to you – there’s still a bit of time to find alternatives.

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