Walk my dogs at lunch and make summer $$!

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    Want to make some extra cash or looking for your teen to learn some responsibility this summer? I need my dogs walked 4 days a week while I am at work. 2 large dogs, well trained. All they need is 30 min of your time and some petting :)



    What area of West Seattle are you located in? My 14 year old son is looking for ways to make some money this summer. He walks our dogs and is very responsible.



    aniatch8…you might want to include how someone could contact yu, since there is no PM function on here.



    I mean NO disrespect to anyone here.

    aniatch8 while your dogs are well behaved does NOT mean others are. If you are to read psst posts on this blog, there a lot of irresponsible owners.

    I would hate to see anyone get injured because she/he does not know what to do if another dog charges.

    I encourage you to please look for a pet sitting business that has experience.

    SJoy again I mean NO offense but I do not want to see your son or her dogs get injured because of human being not obeying the laws by keeping their dogs on a leash.

    Also just because your dog are well trained does not mean they will listen to everyone. The 14 year may not have enough “authority” in his voice. Does that make sense?

    Please I mean NO disrespect at all, I am just trying to point some safety issues here.



    Hi Aniatch,

    I am a dog walker in West Seattle and do have some time in my schedule. If you’d like to contact me my email is seadogstraining@gmail.com. Hope to hear from you soon!

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