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March 25, 2010 at 9:34 pm #690779
miwsParticipantWow, JoB, I don’t know if I should say “Thank You” for the link to that article or not. ;-)
I mean, I knew these types of individuals and groups existed, but it’s even more disturbing to get an “inside scoop” on their thoughts and agendas.
It would be easy enough to laugh them off as a bunch of paranoid nutcases, if it weren’t for the fact how heavily they arm themselves, and the military experience some of them have. Not only for their knowledge of how to fight, but also the fact they have knowledge of military operations, that may be used against them, should they act on any of their threats.
One thing I found highly offensive, is how the ex-Sheriff aligns himself with Rosa Parks. I highly doubt that someone of his type would have stood up for and protected Ms. Parks, as he claims.
I’m all for his Constitutional right to his religious beliefs, but to compare his perceived trampling of those rights by the Government, to the actual trampling of the rights of a group of United States citizens based on the color of their skin, (something that isn’t chosen, unlike a belief, which is) to be repulsive.
Oh, and I think I’ll throw this in just for fun…. I wonder how Sarah Palin would feel about Rhodes’ use of the word “retarded”?
March 25, 2010 at 10:25 pm #690780
metrognomeParticipantJoB — unfortunately, you are wrong; they are not a “small group of men”: http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/hate-map
There are many more of them than you might think; they just went underground after one of their own named Timothy McVeigh got them so much unwanted attention. They are extremely well organized and well armed on their own (a huge number of tactical weapons ‘disappear’ from active and reserve military facilities every year). Now that they have infiltrated our military and polices forces to the extent they have, they will also attempt to access military and police weapons stores once they deem it is time for the revolution. Their key tactic will be to take out military and political leaders who are loyal to the ‘opposition’. Once they start the revolution, a dictatorship is their only governance option and enslavement or mass murder of anyone who does not sign a loyalty oath is their only way to retain control (remember the classic Bushism: ‘if you’re not with us, you’re against us.) Classic tactics used from the beginning of time to establish dictatorships.
Do you remember when Robert Matthews lived in this area? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Jay_Mathews
March 25, 2010 at 10:44 pm #690781
miwsParticipantMarch 25, 2010 at 11:30 pm #690782
i know:(
i wasn’t so happy to post it
HMC Rich
“For the past few months the democratic party has taken a beating. With the passage of health care insurance through all means possible the President is getting his wish. The house and senate games the system just like the republicans did in the past. Patronage and the good old boy network is strong in both parties.”
So Rich.. just for giggles.. how exactly was the President supposed to pass any kind of health care reform that included the republicans?
He met with them… bargained… included many of their own proposals in the bill.. and they still used every obstructionist tactic available to them.. lied to the American public about what it contained and still voted as a political block against it… all the while whining about not being included and that we really just needed to start over.
Give me a break!
I am not impressed with this bill. It falls short big time in producing actual health care delivery reform.
It is a huge handout to the health insurance industry as the positive bump in the stock market at it’s passage confirms.
The truth is that this bill is the worst kind of centrist compromise…
But you will never hear that from the Republican leadership… you would think this was some sort of mega socialist handout from their comments.
You can’t work with people who refuse to work with you.
Obama’s real mistake here wasn’t pushing the bill through the only way possible… but spending all that political capital and getting so very little for it.
March 26, 2010 at 2:14 am #690783
metrognomeParticipantHee hee hee … this is funny: conservative think tank terminates fellowship of commentator who criticized GOP in his blog … but it wasn’t related to his criticism …
March 26, 2010 at 3:09 am #690784
If and when the “US government when it declares martial law” on the citizens of the United States of America, the last thing the GOV officials will be fearing is Private Dumba*s and his .50 Cal. Which he will probably never be able to afford due to them being so expensive.
This has got to be one of the most unintelligent articles I’ve ever read. Any “military” article that starts with the political & strategic opinions of a dumba*s “private” rates right up there with with the National Enquirer.
“(a huge number of tactical weapons ‘disappear’ from active and reserve military facilities every year)” —-are there any other kind, able to be walked off with? Do they all end up in the hands of ‘hate’ groups or are you making assumptions? I would say a larger majority end up in regular ‘run of the mill’ gang hands. A quick google search would show reputable sources to that. So I disagree with your blanket statement.
“Now that they have infiltrated our military and polices forces to the extent they have, they will also attempt to access military and police weapons stores once they deem it is time for the revolution.”
I would say that police agencies are not a walk in the park to get into. Background checks are done on all new hires, to my knowledge, for the Seattle PD and King County Sherrif’s. I would also dare say thate the background check thing is pretty common to most if not all police department’s. Your blanket statement is nothing but fear mongering. As for the military portion of your quote I would say that the military is a cross section of society that will have good and bad elements within its ranks. I think ‘gang bangers’ were the only whack jobs I ever ran across and they truly seemed to be in to turn their lives around. Any fringe elements/racists were kicked out pretty quick due to non compatibility to the military lifestyle.
And for those of you who read my little post I would leave you with this.
The fringe whack jobs (on both ends of the spectrum) that you know about shouldn’t worry you, it’s the ones smart enough to keep silent you should be forever vigilant of.
March 26, 2010 at 3:56 am #690785
metrognomeParticipantkg — thanks for disagreeing, but your post is filled with unsubstantiated blanket statements and assumptions. It is true that large numbers of weapons and gear such as night vision goggles disappear; I never said they all went to militia groups. As they military inventory system sucks, often no one knows they are gone. And, when they do disappear (that would be the key word,) no one knows where they go unless someone is caught selling them (as happened earlier this year in OR) or they are used for a crime or are confiscated during a police investigation. Unless the militias are actively committing crimes (see the Robert Matthews link), it is unlikely that their weapons sources will be discovered.
Second, I think your faith in background checks is misplaced as they only invesigate past behavior — they don’t predict the future. And what is the biggest source of new police officers??? Having said that, I need to be clear that I am referring to the few bad apples. I think the vast majority of law enforcement officers are honorable individuals doing an extremely difficult job. I feel the same way about those who wear our country’s military uniforms, which is why I am so furious about the way former chickenhawk in chief Bush put them in harm’s way.
Legitimate news sources have done numerous stories on problems in the military due to right wing extremists, and, yes, gang members. These folks don’t advertise their existence and command staff tend to look the other way because they need soldiers. I found the following story in about 10 seconds: http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2009/06/15/neo_nazis_army/
And no, I am not going to waste my time finding other stories for you because you won’t believe them anyway.
I will note that I was on a federal jury a number of years ago and the Seattle PD officer on trial was accused of being a follower of the Posse Comitatus. He developed these beliefs AFTER joining the police force which means AFTER the background check.
Let me guess … Tim McVeigh didn’t blow up the OKC federal building … eco-terrorists did it and blamed it on him. And yes, I do believe radical left wing eco-terrorist groups exist and no, I don’t support their methods. And I am less worried about a gang banger than about a ‘patriot’ with a sniper rifle.
March 26, 2010 at 4:29 am #690786
kgParticipant“Second, I think your faith in background checks is misplaced as they only invesigate past behavior — they don’t predict the future.”
Guess we are all suspects in your eyes since we can’t predict the future. What a horrible way to live. I’ll keep faith with the back ground checks and the LEO community to weed out fringe elements.
“And no, I am not going to waste my time finding other stories for you because you won’t believe them anyway.”
How do you know? Life have you jaded? To my knowledge we have never conversed on this blog, but I see you are making assumptions about me. I disagreed with you. I see having a disagreement against your beliefs is grounds to be dismissed as someone not worth talking to.
“Let me guess … Tim McVeigh didn’t blow up the OKC federal building … eco-terrorists did it and blamed it on him.”
What?? Where did that come from. Oh I get it, you’re trying to paint me as some conspiracy theorist. Now I am beginning to believe you had too much kool-aid.
March 26, 2010 at 6:02 am #690787
metrognomeParticipante-forums are a poor way at best to have this kind of conversation; I believe you have made as many assumptions about me as you believe I have made about you. As you appeared to reject the MJ article out of hand, I did make the assumption that you would not believe other ‘liberal’ journalism. You did not actually say that my SWAG was wrong; you just chided me for making it. I didn’t say you weren’t worth talking to, I just said I wasn’t going to spend time providing you with proof. And now you are dismissing me as jaded and stupid enough to drink the kool-aid because I disagreed with you. You are quite wrong — I prefer Choo Choo Cherry, a non-kool-aid flavor, as it hides the bitter flavor better.
There are dangers in any belief system when it is carried to an extreme. The problem with keeping your head in the sand is that you may get your aspidistra shot off. Conversely, the problem with gophering up out of your bunker to make sure ‘they’ aren’t out there is that you may end up with a third eye. There is a balance of awareness and caution that exists somewhere in the middle.
Frankly, I hope we both live long happy lives and look back in 20 years and wonder how we could have been so paranoid about ‘patriots’ and ‘gang-bangers’. Live long and prosper.
March 26, 2010 at 6:30 am #690788
HMC RichParticipantUnfortunately it seems somebody took a shot at Eric Cantor’s campaign office. This idiocy must stop. http://www2.timesdispatch.com/rtd/news/state_regional/article/possible_shot_fired_at_office_building_of_cantor_consultant/332877/
For those of you who think I am a right wing lunatic, I try to use more mainstream media links, just to seem unbiased. I am not a lunatic, just a little crazy.
JoB, I found the link very interesting. I think KG hit it on the head about the ones you don’t hear about. I also listened to Drowning Pool, the heavy metal band and really liked them. Thanks. I call that type of music Crunch Metal because the Marshall’s sound so crunchy!!!!
Just for giggles JoB, I think I was right in my statement about the Dems and Healthcare.
Behold: http://www.dccomics.com/mad/popup_mag.php?i=14378
If Mad Magazine says it, then it must be the truth. ;-)
Also, I am not a birther or a truther, but I am sort of a trekker. Peace and Long Life, Metrognome
I will answer some more in a later post.
March 26, 2010 at 7:10 am #690789
JanSParticipantEric Cantor is part of a crowd…there’s the gentleman from Danville, VA (my hometown) who voted yes, his address posted on the local Tea Party Website, and within 24 hours the gas line was cut at that address. http://www.wset.com/news/stories/0310/719066.html
Turned out to be his brother’s address…where there were 4 children and both parents at home. Or the threats against our very own Rick Larson D-WA (“Rep. Larsen received two phone calls that raised concern with our staff. We discussed the threats internally and alerted Capitol Police Threats Assessment. Both callers mentioned possession of a weapon in the context of their opposition to health care reform. While we encourage a spirited debate and the right to speak freely on all issues, including health care reform, we draw the line at threats of violence.”
Seems that there are idiots on both sides. I’m with you on this, Rich. That idiocy has got to stop. But humans being humans, we both know that the crazies will continue to do their best to give the rest of us a bad name.
March 26, 2010 at 8:02 am #690790
HMC RichParticipantYes Jan, you are correct.
March 26, 2010 at 8:24 am #690791
HMC RichParticipantDawsonct: Regarding post 45.
Before I get to it I just want to say that this forum does allow many ideas to be stated. These are just words typed. I would generally prefer to just get along and avoid some of the spirited debate. Sometimes people say things that rile me up. I generally do not respond and stay silent but other times I do feel compelled to offer my two cents. The next post is more like two bits.
OK, I have a little more time this evening than anticipated. I didn’t want to do this, but you called me out.
Irony, I found it ironic that the former German Republic had certain items, and I said that both parties here have in common from my earlier post, items that are in some of our party platforms. I am against violence and hate.
I do not compare various EU countries to the dictator led Nazi Germany. Maybe Iran as far as a lunatic govern(mental) system. Incidentally, when they were buddy buddy with Hitler didn’t they change their name from Persia to Iran (sounds a lot like Aryan) But, I wanted to point out that the larger certain governments and their bureaucracies get, the more possibility of government overstepping their intended limits.
Our friends at Wikipedia state the following about Social Democracies: Social democracy is a political ideology of the centre-left on the classic political spectrum. Social democracy is traditionally a form of evolutionary reformist socialism. However, since the rise in popularity of the New Right, a number of prominent social democratic parties have abandoned the goal of the gradual evolution of capitalism to socialism and instead support welfare state capitalism.
Isn’t that interesting. Does that compare to your history or reference books? Please, enlighten me if I am wrong. Point me toward the correct state sponsored texts.
Now, in our Republic, estimates hold that in 2004, 20 percent of US households were receiveing 75% of their income from the Federal Government. (I am not criticizing them either). Another 20% of households were receiving nearly 40%. So about 60% of American households were receiving more government benefits and services, measured in dollars, than they were paying back in taxes. It has been estimated the President Obama’s first budget alone raises this level of “net dependency” to 70 percent. (Eventually down the road we will see if these numbers are close.)
This new legislation with Healthcare will represent the greatest expansion of the welfare state in our generation and possibly in history. 110 million Americans could claim this new entitlement in a few years. (Paul Ryan’s numbers and most of his words from a speech he gave.)
(Back to my words) All countries rise and fall. I am talking about looking into the future. About the gradual move towards tyranny, which our founding fathers seemed to want to ensure that we could try to stay away from. A noble goal, eh?
Here is one of many quandries. Many people in the past few years especially when W was in office were against the Patriot Act. 28 attempted terrorist attacks have been thwarted since instituted. Obama did not kill it, in fact I believe it has been renewed or affirmed. If it was bad under Bush then it must be bad under Obama too. Two Presidents who possibly have brought us closer to an intrusive abuse of power. For now it seems mostly to be used against overseas threats but could easily be used on the electorate with the right (meaning wrong) people in power.
No, didn’t like stagflation under Nixon and Ford. Didn’t like Watergate or President Clinton lying under oath. Didn’t like the Clinton Administration illegally using a tank in Waco. Didn’t like inflation under Carter and a complete embarrasment over the Iranian hostage crisis. Didn’t like Iran/Contra by Reagan. Nope, didn’t like the assassinations and attempts of the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s. I know that these men did not fit into tiny little packages. They did what they thought was right. I take more of a macro view. I cannot tell you how many vetoes or bills were signed by our Presidents. I fully admit it.
You mention socialist highways. In a sense they are. In fact I like paying for them. They are necessary. They allow commerce, they allow me and others to prosper or at least try. But where did they come from? The Romans, well sort of. How about Ike, right? The former Allied Commander saw the German Autobahn and highway system from the National Socialists. Tanks and troops seem to move much more quickly on those nice wide boulevards and limited access highways. Am I wrong?
I admit, I can be wrong at times. Most definitely. I know you can be wrong because you spelled “Reagan” wrong. Whether on purpose or not, I do not know.
Yes I scream socialism, marxism, atheism, absolutism, anarchism and ignorantism when I take public transportation, drive on a road, or call the police department. Please, give me a break.
You can write just about anything you want. It is your right granted by the 10th Amendment. Where TF do I come from? I will answer literally. Well, the home state of Progressivism. A state that fought in the Union Army to preserve the country and eradicate slavery. The town where the coffee break was born. The state that has a socialist, I mean publicly held professional football team of which I am a proud owner. From the tobacco and corn fields of that state to the wheat fields and orchards of this state, from the public schools and universities of this state and my birth state. From a mostly Democratic family who I love dearly but politically disagree with. From Experience, from hard knocks, from mistakes, from education. I am a citizen of this wondrous country. With immigrant roots almost back to Mayflower and not so long ago. I have the freedom to say since I was so fortunate to be born here …I Love You Too.
Finally, I have seen your posts and you do have expertise in some areas that I do not. It would be phony of me to say otherwise.
March 26, 2010 at 9:38 am #690792
metrognomeParticipantRich — I’m up too late too, but I wanted to thank you for the quality of your post (not saying I agree with all of it, just nice to see cogently articulated specifics in these threads.) I did have a clarifying question or two about the household income stats you cited: a) does that include social security, federal employees, US military, etc. or ‘welfare’ (sorry, too tired to think of a better word) such as ASC, food stamps, etc. and ‘quasi-welfare’ such as unemployment payments and b) is there an explanation for the projected Obama increase such as more seniors on SocSec, more federal employees, etc.
Also, to second dawsonct’s concept of ‘socialism’, if you live in a community, you are by definition a socialist of some sort in that wealth is collected and re-distributed to pay for services such as police, fire, roads, etc. Paying is not optional. No one pays the full cost of their use of public services (or of private services such as when your insurance pays you for the full value of your house when it burns down compared to the total in premiums you have paid.)
So, specific case: I have never had children. I have directly paid property taxes for over 20 years that largely are spent to educate other people’s children. The justification I am given is that good schools create good communities, which attracts more employers, which makes my property more valuable, etc. I’ll be dead when my condo is sold; I have no heirs. I am retired, so a good job market is useless to me. So, from a rational conservative perspective, how is this different than the health care situation? Why isn’t McKenna suing to overturn other ‘unfunded mandates’ like the Americans with Disabilities Act (several states have filed ‘states sovereignty’ suits against the ADA,) the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act (fed $$ for sewage tx plants has dried up as it were), etc.
BTW, you are right about Ike and the autobahn — did you watch that History Intl Channel show on America’s crumbling infrastructure tonite too?
And, I have been wrong too … once … wait … the voices said way more than once. Way, way more.
Nanu Nanu
p.s here is a good list of documents on why conservatives should support public transportation: http://www.apta.com/resources/reportsandpublications/Pages/AdvocacyEducation.aspx
p.p.s. here is the reason I stayed up (I just had to hear something positive.) Enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVPNRmTcJJw&feature=related
March 26, 2010 at 4:24 pm #690793
JoBParticipantfrom metrognomes link…
“Frum told Greg Sargent that Brooks said he “welcomed and celebrated” Frum’s Waterloo post and that Brooks said he was asking Frum to leave AEI because “these are hard times.” Frum said Brooks offered him the opportunity to keep writing for AEI, though without compensation.”
could it be the well has run dry for anyone who doesn’t bang the drum loudly?
this.. btw.. is why the connection between money and politics matters.
March 26, 2010 at 8:00 pm #690794
waterworldParticipantHMC Rich: I just wanted to weigh in on your quandary about the Patriot Act. I opposed it under Bush and I continue to oppose it under Obama. There are a few provisions of the Act that were front and center on the administration’s agenda before 9/11, such as roving wiretaps. But the wholesale revamping of privacy law in the Act was disturbing then and it’s disturbing now.
Also, there is widespread use of Patriot Act power against Americans. The Act substantially expanded the government’s power to engage in secret searches on US soil. A typical search warrant requires that the person’s whose place is searched receive an inventory of what was taken and information about the basis for the warrant. Under the Patriot Act, it is far easier for the FBI to get a warrant for what’s called a “sneak and peek,” search. The agents go in when your home or office is unoccupied and conduct a secret search.
Another favorite of the FBI is the “national security letter,” which allows agents to get financial, educational, travel and other types of records on any person in the United States without a search warrant or a subpoena. And it comes packaged up with a gag order on the recipient. So if your bank gets a national security letter demanding your records (and considering your penchant for radical literature like Mad Magazine, well, who knows?…) you will not know about it, and you won’t be able to go to court to prevent it.
These provisions were designed (it was said) to get at international terrorist threats. But that is not how they are used. They are used in garden-variety federal criminal investigations.
I may not agree with you on how many terrorist attacks have been thwarted as a result of these sorts of expanded government powers. There are always many ways to look at that kind of data. For me the question is not whether the ends justify the means, because there’s always the possibility that intrusion on people’s private lives will prevent crimes (just like there’s the possibility that torture will get you a confession that contains useful intelligence). I think I frame the issue more in terms of whether the sacrifices in which the American people have acquiesced are, or are not, fundamentally consistent with the values expressed in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence. I don’t think they are, and I’m disappointed in lawmakers of any political creed who embrace the the notion that the Patriot Act’s dilution of personal privacy is reasonable.
March 26, 2010 at 8:32 pm #690795
charlabobParticipantGoogle or bing “Eric Kantor’s gunshot claim”. Police report indicates someone was shooting in the air and the bullet landed — went through a window and not even through the blind. Seems unlikely someone was trying to shoot through his window.
Police report also indicates bullet went through a window in an office in the building where Kantor’s offices are — more collateral damage.
The other question I think we have to ask here is why??? Assuming we have a bunch of crazies on the left who start militias and shoot at people, um, Kantor’s team lost. Why would we want to shoot at him? I, personally, want to encourage him (and the rest of the right) to continue along this path and to be sure and fire anyone on their side (like David Frum) who disagrees with them. :-) Yup, that was sarcasm. Don’t have time to make sure it’s spelled correctly, but I couldn’t stay away.
April 14, 2010 at 8:38 am #690796
HMC RichParticipantWaterworld. Thanks for posting. I have been away for a bit. I generally do not trust or like the Patriot Act. I agree with you on the dilution of our rights by our lawmakers.
Metrognome. I composed an email to Paul Ryan but couldn’t send it due to the fact they only want emails from their district. I will call one of these days to ask about the numbers. I also wish to answer you last query from a “rational conservative” view. But I cannot at the moment. I am currently irrational. Danger Will Robinson.
Thanks for the links.
Oh Charla, you are fun. I wonder if someone like James Carville decided to start hammering the liberal movement and was a senior fellow at a left leaning think tank would he be retained or let go? Honestly, I don’t really care. Kantor’s team did lose the past few elections, but at midterms when a presidents approval rating is under 50% (Obama is now down to 45%) usually the Prez’s party loses on average 41 seats in the house. If history runs true, the Right would gain back the majority in the house. If many 3rd party candidates run strong, that will probably favor the Democrats. We shall see.
Regarding the original post. AP was looking into it and here is what they wrote.
I get the feeling that both sides need to chill. I wish there was definitive proof either way. Both sides scream and yell so much these days. It gets old. I usually just want people to respect others even if they disagree.
PS, it has come to my attention that the congress might have to live under the healthcare legislation they passed. If they change it for themselves, they would seem to be hypocrites. It will certainly show their true colors even more if this tidbit is true.
Good Night.
April 14, 2010 at 2:52 pm #690797
the problem with writing the ugly faces of the tea bagger party off as a disgruntled minority is that this disgruntled minority is not only hogging the lion’s share of the limelight but driving current Republican political strategy.
Last night i watched a nightline special on the Obama presidency… and even after the fact.. after the passage of the health care bill.. the tea bagger movement got a ton of attention and the progressive movement to include the public option got none… not even a mention… and Frontline is considered a fairly liberal program.
I was part of that progressive movement who sent more faxes and emails and petitions and calls to our elected officials demanding a public option than they had ever received in such a short period with little more than a mention on network news.
We were persistent.. we were numerous.. we had momentum. So why were we not noticed.. even by our own party… while a bunch of racist bigoted morons carrying signs and dripping spittle in fury get all the attention?
This disgruntled minority is driving Republican policy right now… they have empowered the far right of the Republican party to put pressure on all Republicans for complete non-cooperation with the democratic process.
They are gambling that they can win that mid-term election and take the process back now that the financial crisis is no longer the republican hot potato it once was… and to that end they did their best to shut down the government entirely to make the president look bad.
And you wonder what the truth is?
I will tell you this… i was so ticked at my party for their complete cave to the center.. so ticked that we are likely to replace a left leaning supreme court judge with a centrist that will tip the court even further to the right.. so ticked that my party didn’t bother to even acknowledge the liberal side of it’s constituency… that i was going to opt out of the political process at mid-term.. take my cash.. my voice and my vote and go home.. until i watched that Nightline program last night.
The current administration that you paint as one step shy of socialism has failed it’s base by governing for political effect… by being about as far from liberal as it can get… and yet… they are a huge improvement over the alternative.. the face of the tea bagger spewing spittle in rage.
You had best be careful what you ask for because we may not be enough to stop you from getting your way… and you too will have to live with the tea bagger mentality.. that bully mentality that says that anything you can take is yours by right… and that might makes right.
That face of rage is driving your party and they are going to be pretty difficult to put back in the box Fox news took them out of.
You had better hope that a lot more democrats just like me get really ticked off at the idea of another republican majority…
because right now they are little more than boys behaving badly… political bullies grabbing more than their fair of the American Pie… and right now we are all that stands between you and them.
The only pockets left in America to raid are those of the middle class that has not yet gone under in the last financial crisis.
if you win.. you might as well grab your ankles and assume the position.
April 14, 2010 at 7:45 pm #690798
hoffanimalParticipant“I was part of that progressive movement who sent more faxes and emails and petitions and calls to our elected officials demanding a public option than they had ever received in such a short period with little more than a mention on network news.
We were persistent.. we were numerous.. we had momentum. So why were we not noticed.. even by our own party… while a bunch of racist bigoted morons carrying signs and dripping spittle in fury get all the attention?”
Unfortunately racist sign waivers with inflammatory catch phrases designed to illcit fear garner much more media attention than well-meaning emails and letters from people that have the ability to see the big picture.
April 15, 2010 at 2:49 am #690799
JoBParticipantwho are the tea baggers?
interesting poll results
April 15, 2010 at 6:18 am #690800
JanSParticipantApril 15, 2010 at 1:44 pm #690801
SmittyParticipantHas anyone received the $100,000 by providing proof that racial slurs were actually used that day? That’s a lot of coin to leave on the table – lots of cameras and media there. Very surprising.
Guilty until proven innocent, I guess.
April 15, 2010 at 4:26 pm #690802
dawsonctParticipantSome defended being on Social Security while fighting big government by saying that since they had paid into the system, they deserved the benefits.
Others could not explain the contradiction.
“That’s a conundrum, isn’t it?” asked Jodine White, 62, of Rocklin, Calif. “I don’t know what to say. Maybe I don’t want smaller government. I guess I want smaller government and my Social Security.” She added, “I didn’t look at it from the perspective of losing things I need. I think I’ve changed my mind.”
Light (or enlightenment) is the best disinfectant.
April 15, 2010 at 4:35 pm #690803
brewParticipantfrom JanS
“and then there’s this:
I think the majority of americans would agree with items 1-10
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