Stolen Bookbag from Car – Lincoln Park 5/19

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    I just had my school bookbag stolen from out of my car at Lincoln Park tonight between 8:30pm and 9:15pm. Please spare me the lectures on leaving valuables in the car (yes, i knew better). I’m posting this in case someone sees the discarded remains of the bag. It is a blue LandsEnd canvas bag with the name MEDIANCAT embroidered on it. it contained my Geology Text book, notebook, homework and an older, white TI graphing calculator. not much of value accept to me, in the middle of the quarter no less:( please contact if any of it turns up. Thanks!



    Ah, so no one found my bookbag or any of my schoolwork? Triple-rats!! I have a test tomorrow:( i was hoping some scrap would show up.

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