Roxbury Road Diet?

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    On several recent days while driving West on Roxbury approaching 15th Ave SW signal where Bartell’s is located, there has been a bottle neck of traffic heading West and hung up at the 3 traffic lights. Both lanes FULL, bumper to bumper. So if Roxbury is dieted down to one lane each direction, there would be about 5 or 6 blocks of cars waiting in one lane to get through the traffic lights. How many red lights would we have to wait through to advance to the next lighted intersection? I am very concerned about the SDOT’s plan to strangle traffic. If the Roxbury lanes get a longer green light then the cross streets will have longer red light wait times….something seems out of whack.



    Does the road diet go all the way back to 16th/15th, or does it go from about 17th or further west up to 35th?



    17th to 35th. They specifically aren’t including 15th-17th because it would increase travel times too much.

    Be nice if they did something about the crash-prone intersection at Roxbury and 8th while they were at it.



    I’m not sure I understand, AHP. Are you saying there should be no waiting at intersections? I’ve lived in AH for a long time, and I’ve never seen moving traffic backed up between White Center and 35th – certainly not “5-6 blocks of cars waiting in one lane”. I don’t see the connection between a future road diet and the intersection. What I do see on Roxbury are speeding vehicles veering wildly from lane to lane as if they’re on a freeway. An SPD officer told me that he sees speeds up to 70 mph on that stretch.

    I thought I read here on the WSB that a fix was in the works for the intersection at 8th, but can’t reference it. Could be wrong.



    I think it’s been discussed, anonyme, but I’m not sure whether it’s definitely happening or not. I’d really like to see a left-turn arrow onto 8th heading eastbound, I’m constantly worrying about getting rear-ended when trying to turn left there.

    I don’t have the data handy but there seem to be a lot of crashes at that intersection, including one that I personally witnessed.



    I’m not sure if it was discussed or settled, either. However, it’s a justifiable concern. That’s a dangerous spot.

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