Rave: To Everyone Who Has Been Able to Get To Work

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  • #589125


    Thank You.

    Thank You.

    Thank You.

    I am so very grateful to you-all for being there for the rest of us.

    For policing our streets, to fighting fires, to tending to the sick & injured, to bringing our mail, to reporting the news, to bringing us our newspapers, to driving the buses to get where we need to go, to maintaining our utilities, for sanding and plowing the roads, for stocking the shops, for working in retail (you definitely need raises!), for keeping the libraries open, for making coffee & hot beverages, for making meals, and for all the volunteers who are out there because it is the right thing to do.

    Thank You.



    i second that!



    Wow, thank YOU.

    Having my commute downtown suddenly become a two-hour adventure and being one of the few tiny cogs in my big transit agency machine that shows up for work has made for a pretty grim week.

    That’s really nice to hear.



    A shout out to C & P coffee, open bright and early for my coffee fix!


    I agree with hap. It is nice to hear a thanks, as Thursday and Friday I was the only one in my office that came in. And in that regard, I think Monday will be the same.

    So, to that, I give a shout out to Cafe Rosella, who is my warm spot on the walk to work. :)



    Thank you. A big thanks to the hospital staff who are bunked out in hospitals around the city to help with the falls, scrapes, and babies arriving-and did they ever keep coming last night! Although, I have to say it was rather cozy up on Cap Hill with a warm bed and coffee shops in walking distance.



    Agreed! Thanks to everyone who didn’t need to go to work for staying off the streets and to everyone who knew we needed you for heading in and braving the weather. :)



    Thanks Peggy Sue – I am working very hard to make sure that everyone’s pets and houses are safe and warm while they are gone. It’s not easy but I’m glad I have the car/Jeep and the experience to get out there and do it.

    Kudos to everyone else that’s doing the same – especially the people at the Pet Food stores!!



    Here, here, I know how hard it is.



    Thanks for mentioning newspeople. Besides people like us delivering neighborhood news this way, I can tell you that the people in my former occupation, TV news, are under orders to be there “or else” – and most of them are NOT well-paid (aside from the main anchors) – the producers, writers, assignment editors, most photographers, live-truck drivers, engineers, etc., you never see or hear about are in the newsroom and outside, busting their butt for the morning show going on an hour early and staying on an hour late, etc. At 13, many of the veteran production-crew members lived in Tacoma because the station was based there long ago … I remember the morning we couldn’t start the AM show early as planned because almost all of them were stuck behind the same freeway crash, trying to get in. Stations do usually offer to put up key staffers in nearby hotels/motels IF they can get rooms booked in advance – you wind up going there way late at night and crashing for a couple hours if you can fall asleep at all.

    Certainly public-safety workers have the tougher job. But thanks again for the shout-out to the newsfolk.



    TR – you folks are the best and we appreciate all you do. I can tell you over the last few days that WSB has been my lifeline in getting around while I’m working. I couldn’t do my job without you!!



    You’re welcome

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