Rat City Roller Girls

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    Has anyone been to one of the Rat City Girls Roller events? Where are they held? How much does it cost the attend? Does anyone know someone on the team? Just curious?




    seems that they hold their events at Hangar 30 at Magnuson Park.



    I have a t-shirt and get the newsletter — the games are cheap and fun — how do I know? My old manicurist is an RCRG–she also gets a lot of business, filling in their nails :-)



    The bouts are a ton of fun. It’s an absolute spectacle. Bring something comfy to sit on, though. Especially if you have floor seats (which are actually better if you get there early enough to get ringside).

    Go Socket Wenches!!



    Oh-oh — are floor seats “sitting on the floor”? It may be time for me to rent a wheelchair :-)



    Yep. Sitting on the floor. You can bring pads, but not lawn chairs (even the low ones). But you also get to sit right next to the ring with the girls whizzing by at breakneck speeds. It’s more exciting than sitting on the bleachers.

    The bad news… if you catch a rollergirl who comes flying out of the ring, you don’t get to keep her. That only works in baseball.




    that would make them human cannonballs…

    i think i will sit further up…

    i can see just fine from there:)



    The gal who owns Bird on a Wire espresso shop in Westwood is affiliated with the team – not sure if she skates or is otherwise involved – I first heard about RCG several years ago when Junior Member of The Team and I used to walk to B on a W almost every morning, long before WSB … TR



    Are these events kid-friendly???



    I dunno — do your kids like zaftig women in tight skimpy clothes with numerous colorful gorgeous tats? Our grandkids do so we have taken them to practices — I haven’t been to the real thing yet…it might be a bit rowdier. :-)

    One of my favorite project runway episodes from last year was when the designers each got to design something reflecting the personality of a roller derby queen. Talk about culture shock. It was great fun to watch — I’m not sure the designers and their victims, ‘er, models, were that thrilled.



    “Are these events kid-friendly???”

    Ummmm… I going to go with No.

    The event is setup like an inverse beer garden. You know how most events are 80-90% open to everyone, then there is a fenced-off area in a back corner where adults can have a beer? At a Roller Derby event, 80-90% of the area is the beer garden and there is a caged area for the under-21 crowd.

    The humor can also be baudy. The costumes can be risque. The atmosphere is decidedly adult.

    If it were a movie, it would probably get an R rating. PG-13 at the very least.




    Rat City Roller Girls are hosting tryouts. C’mon, Charla- you know you wanna! :)



    Oh I definitely wanna, but right now I canna…it does make the extreme diet and hip replacement a bit more urgent — that, along with the dog (I get a dog when I can walk a mile without a cane) may mean LOOKOUT world. :-)



    A friend of mine is a rollergirl. She goes by Kitty Kamikaze and is on the… ugh. I can’t remember her team’s name. They wear olive green and military-inspired uniforms.

    And I’ve still not been to a match or a practice.

    Charla if you want a walking date who also goes slow but is trying to work up to faster and cane-free, give me a buzz. I would LOVE to go for walks with another person who’s my speed.



    Hey, Aim, thanks! I’m not ready yet but I’ll take you up on it soon … the bob half thinks he’s safe from a dog — he reckons without my extreme tenacity. :-)



    Hey Char, I wish you the speadiest recovery. If I am reading right you either had hip replacement surgery or you are going to have it. My Mom went through it in October and other then the first couple of days when she was in the hospital she did great. I would recommend that if you are going to go to a rehab place to make those arrangements as soon as possible. We used Parkwest in the admiral district for her Rehab. I had two complaints about the place. First the accepted her on a Friday afternoon (when the regular staff had already left) which bugged me to death because you have this woman who just a couple of days before had hip surgery and all they had her due was lay in bed. The TV didn’t work and the phone didn’t work until monday. The other complaint was that there were usually two patients to a room.

    If you need someone to go walking with in the evenings I would be more then glad to be a walking buddy. Maybe we can get a group together. Hope all is well.



    Thanks for the info, Celeste, and for the offer–I think “walking for the walking impaired” definitely has a future here–I’m making a list and checking twice.

    I’ll have a hip replacement when I can afford it (insurance, ya’ know, but it may be happening sooner rather than later) — whatever am I going to use as an excuse then?) Long and boring story.

    Meantime, JanS is going in for her second hip replacement Monday night — I’m sure she’d love good wishes, chocolate, nubile young dancing boys, whatever.

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