Rant on the Librarian at SW Library

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    Abusive egocentric Librarian

    Was at the SW library, reading a book, sitting at a far corner of the room .My shoes are brand new, wearing a pair of clean socks and out of public sight. Like most of you, trying to be as comfortable as possible and not bothering anyone except when this librarian told me that it is a policy that one needs to have their shoes on AT ALL TIME. My shoes were just very near to my feet and sometimes half way in as I have a blister

    I politely asked him for the policy (see attached) and it did not state anything about taking the shoes off. It just state, no shirt no shoes (barefoot).

    Bear in mind, I was not even walking with socks on.

    I told his that is a ridiculous policy and should not be applied. I wanted to discuss with him constructively about the policy but he rudely refused and wrote me this “Notice of Exclusion Order”-banning me for coming to the library for 3 days.

    I called the Administrative office at the Library’s HQ and talked to an Administrator and she said that my particular case was ridiculous and “nip-picking”.

    What I wanted to discuss with the librarian that wrote me up is: Does this apply when one is wearing thongs or slippers or slip in/out scandals?

    Guess what, the Administrator said it is OKAY to wear slippers.

    Now go figure, it is okay to wear slippers and let everyone see your toes but you cannot wear socks!!

    Note: the librarian said I was banned from ALL libraries but the question is how will you know I have gone to another library?

    I have used other libraries and no librarians have approached me about this situation except this librarian at SW library.

    Well folk, your taxes are at work here and what would you do?

    Fire the Librarian

    I have a site for this http://www.WebsiteGossip.com



    Chris, Get. A. Grip.

    No shirt, no shoes means exactly that–keep on your damn shoes. I don’t care if you’re socks are as pure as the driven snow–keep your shoes on when you’re in a public place.

    Flip flops and slippers ARE shoes. Thus they are within policy.

    Now go smoke a bowl and chill.



    That what I don’t understand…

    I was wearing shoes, just half way in and out when I sat down to read the book.

    Anyway, I’ll just wear slippers to the library.

    Isn’t it ironic??



    No irony at all.

    Shoes is shoes and socks is socks.



    I’d be flippin’ pissed, too.

    I’m surprised this librarian doesn’t stand over in the kids area writing up tickets and checking the box for ‘disruptive behavior’. Sitting in an out of the way corner with clean socks and no foot odor is just fine in my book. I’m glad you call the Administrator, ridiculous and nit-picking is right. Did they offer to rescind your exclusion order?

    And technically it doesn’t say without shoes, it says without shirt and barefoot. You -did- have socks on. :-)



    I see kids eating and chatting so loud and no action taken!

    JimmG, you rather see some broken toes via wearing slippers/flip flops than a pair of clean socks?

    The ban is only for 3 days and I don’t really need to go to the library often. I can always go to the High point one too and there nobody says anything to me…even w/o shoes on.



    Go there bet 2-6pm when the kids are..chatting on the cellphones ,yakking and I was just at a corner minding my own business..out off sight from everyone.

    He just happened to walk by seeing that my shoes were off or half way off.

    How pathetic is that?



    jade, seriously.

    Go smoke a bowl and chill. I’m picking up on an unstable vibe here.



    Emmmm growing the wrong thing if you ask me:) Latte anybody?



    Thanks Jimmy G sausage.

    Cruiser…growingjade is the name of my largest jade plant in the world and it is also the name of the webstie:

    http://www.GrowingJade.com or http://www.GrowingJadePlant.com

    I post a thread anybody wanting a piece of it.




    Yes, I’d like to order a cinnamon latte please. Double shot, medium foam.



    gorgeous jade plant! I always killed mine.



    The no shoe policy is a health and saftey thing. There is a possibility of you spreading a fungus around, picking up a fungus, or stepping on something and suing.

    Rules are rules. They are there for everyone, not just some people. Would it not have been easier to just put your shoes back on when asked?



    I think it would be difficult to spread a fungus if you’re wearing socks. I hate to say this, but I have found that some of the librarians at this branch tend to be cranky. Rules are not meant to be followed blindly. I’m with growingjade!



    It would be very easy to step on a staple, piece of glass, thumb tac though. Don’t get me wrong, trespassing someone for three days is highly moronic, but I agree with the rules. I really agree with the shirt rule. Please keep your shirt on in the library.



    I wouldn’t even sit in a chair in the library. The term “you don’t know where that has been” is quite true at the library.



    But that’s just it – he wasn’t walking around, just sitting there. Yeah, yeah – the library isn’t your living room but I can see slipping your shoes off to be a little more comfortable while sitting in a chair reading a book for awhile.



    Gross – Put your shoes on.



    Guess i’ll have to be more careful about slipping my shoes off while i am reading at the library…

    being turfed for 3 days won’t bother me much.. but it’s the idea of getting kicked out that rankles..

    though i will have to admit that in the same situation i would have smiled and put my shoes on..at least until he was done making his rounds…

    if he cared enough to stop and make a big deal about it.. it was likely he would exercise his authority.



    Sounds like the type of infraction that another patron would report to the desk, and at that time someone walks by to check it out. Someone else, a member of the public, complained, would be my take on it.

    And the infraction notice says 3 warnings before 86’d for 3 days.

    Kids making noise is a 50/50 situation. See snowflake thread. Imagine those kids as teens.



    Let’s just say that there are numerous things about this post and it’s links that smell funny to me.




    ah shucks.. that would be me with my shoes off…




    I think I want to get ban for life from the library so I can justify not supporting the library levy.

    Furthermore, I don’t need the library, the library needs my property tax.

    Anyway, maybe that will be my goal, be the first one to get ban from the library for life for that shoe poligy and get my dorky photo up at the front door.



    Really?!?! This conversation is still going on?



    lol..believe whatever Gina says….she has a VERY close asociation with the library ;-)

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