Nicklesville Need

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    Betty T

    My neighbor and I made our usual delivery to Nickelsvilee today of Ice, water and hot food which was greatly appreciated. If anyone happens to have a cooler sitting idle not used any more they could sure use it now its hot weather. They had bagged salads given to them this A.M and no cooler space. In this heat will end up tossing it.



    I have two coolers that the handles have broken off of. They work fine but are no good to me because I can not haul them around. Would they be of use or not? I’d be happy for someone to use them rather than just throwing them out!




    they can use coolers..

    but without ice they are ineffective




    We’re dropping ice and water in the morning (Sunday). We may have an extra cooler as well.



    Thank you everyone!



    Betty T

    Great response everybody. I’m sure they could use the coolers with no handles. Could you possibly take them there? I myself don’t drive.

    We freeze 6-12 gallons water in milk jugs to take every week plus freeze some small bottles , some they drink and some for ice. We only have a small space to freeze them but better than nothing. We also take what we can manage for drinking each week. Sometimes we have a little ice leftover from potlucks etc. where we live. We are far from being well off but do what we can and several friends donate a little here and there. They can really use the coolers offered.

    They also are in need of another tent if anybody has one they don’t use.


    Betty T

    Richard or Mike—Did the coolers turn up?



    more than anything they need food. there are at least 3 families down there. one family with kids and one on the way.


    Betty T

    Yes they need food but cooking is a problem! Ice is a big issue since the weather is much hotter. I cook food and bake to take every Sat.along with whatever else I can get my hands on. I can no way do enough but do what I can and its always greatly appreciated. It takes propane to BBQ and that means meat which needs to be cold., if and when they can get it. Nothing stays good for long in this heat. Yes, there are hungry needy people there. They need another family -size tent if anyone has one not being used. They expect more people because some of the shelters are closing.

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