neighborhood fireworks and dogs

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    I’m hearing alot of loud fireworks and they are illegal in the city limits. When our dog was alive, we went to Canada after July 1(their day for fireworks!) and stayed until a few days past the 4th. This avoided the bulk of the neighborhood illegals. Anyone participating after we got home received a warning from me (once I located the house) and if it continued, I called the police(along with other neighbors that I gave the address to on my walk back home). Can’t you all just limit it to the July 4th holiday? Then, perhaps, the parents could be vigilant on that day so we wouldn’t have to read about body parts being injured by inexperienced children. I hope others will help to limit the illegal activity to one day and help the dogs and cats of Seattle.



    We also added the city’s advisory about pet safety during the holiday to our 4th of July page:

    That page also has fireworks laws, plus the locations of all fireworks displays (legal) around the region, including the ones before and after the holiday.




    webshaf – I couldn’t agree more. Thank you, on behalf of a neighbor, for being vigilant.



    Isn’t it still legal to set off fireworks in unincorporated King County? (Reason enough to annex White Center?.) I live up on one of the higher hills in West Seattle and have a territorial view and it always amazes me the amount of illegal fireworks I see. It actually started up here last weekend with a bunch of firecrackers going off at all hours. There is usually a “curtain” of fireworks at the city limits and it goes on for hours. I have to admit, I do enjoy watching them all, however, most of the folks I know have gotten their poor dogs tranquilizers. Since it seems that these people never get caught, I always hope they run out early so that I can get some sleep..this year will probably be much different with there being a weekend day after. I do get nervous about fires and injuries. I actually have come home after the 4th to find roman candle remnants on my roof…


    When i lived in Tacoma, i actually saw a teenager start a huge house fire with a firework!! and this was in the nice neighborhoods like a 4 story house go up in flames in a matter of minutes!!! ever since then fireworks have terrified me!! as i drove to my sister in laws house down near delridge yesterday, i saw the kids out in the street lighting them off and running!! I asked one kid where he got them and he said up in white center they have firework booths all over. i thought they could only be sold on native american land?



    between the firecrackers the neighbors have been setting off and the thunder last night, our dog is ready to leave. poor girl spent the night hiding in the bathroom. please remember to secure your pets and do all you can to make them feel safe this weekend!! we once owned a lab that jumped out our second story window and took off for 48 hours. i would hate for anyone to go through something like that. be safe!



    For anyone interested, this training has already passed – but a good cause and idea for next year!

    >>Please consider becoming involved this 4th of July and help Missing Pet Partnership build an innovative program in King County (and ultimately national) that will reduce shelter kill rates and reunite lost companion animals with the families who love them!

    Missing Pet Partnership (MPP), a national nonprofit organization, will be launching an innovative pilot project in King County that will involve physical searches for lost pets using detective-like skills, including search dogs trained to find lost pets. You can read details about the lost cat investigations that MPP has conducted this past month by visiting and clicking on the INVESTIGATIONS page (listed under the FIND A PET DETECTIVE tab). MPP is working to develop the first-ever lost pet search-and-rescue team that will search for missing pets in King County. Volunteer meetings will meet bi-monthly (at the Kent Senior Activity Center) on Tuesday evenings. The schedule of all training events is listed on MPP’s web site under the SEATTLE PET HUNTERS icon.

    A great majority of the loose “stray” dogs that end up in animal shelters were not born in the wild nor were they living in wild packs. Most of these found dogs escaped from a home where they were fed and cared for by someone who simply failed to keep their companion animal contained. Although MPP will eventually service all areas of King County (and even form programs in Snohomish and Pierce Counties), our initial focus will be to offer lost pet services to the communities serviced by the Kent Shelter. From July 1st through July 12th, MPP will focus on helping people search for their lost dogs by handing out florescent lost dog posters. We will also focus on reuniting found dogs with the families who lost them by posting florescent found dog posters. In addition, we will work to match dogs in the shelter cages with dogs listed on Craig’s list and in the Lost Dog books at the Kent Shelter. Volunteers will be provided with posters at the July 1st meeting.

    For more information on our organization and this program, visit and click on SEATTLE PET HUNTERS or call (253) 529-3999.



    This article has some details on fireworks usage/legality in King County:

    My poor cat is always so traumatized by the fireworks. I usually spend the evening at home comforting him as he bolts for a basement closet. It’s not so bad where we live now, but when we were in Lynnwood (the part in unincorporated Snohomish county) it was legal to buy/use them, and boy did they use them!



    K, my dog is ready to leave too! webshaf, I also used to take my dogs to Canada for the 4th. The dog that would get the most upset has passed away :(, but my remaining dog is now equally as upset so I might just do that again next year. I’ve been keeping the tv and music on pretty loud in an attempt to drown out the noise. We live in the admiral area where I am 99.9% certain there is a ban, but it doesn’t seem to stop anyone.



    SPD asks that people reporting fireworks violations in the City call the police non-emergency number and not 911. 911 gets so swamped on the 4th that it cannot sometimes get to real emergencies such as fingers detached by fireworks or a roof on fire. Additionally they warn that they will not be able to respond to all calls about fireworks in the City.

    We had a dog who used to get his “happy pill” subscribed by the Vet and filled at Bartells! He snoozed through a few evenings of the 4th of July and again on New Years Eve.



    I hope all the brave people who walk their dogs off leash are keeping them on a leash this weekend…



    i can’t tell you how grateful i am that my two little shibas aren’t the least bit frightened by either thunder or fireworks…

    My last two dogs were terrified of both.. and i had lost my enthusiasm for the 4th of july….



    Auggggh… second night in a row that the Delridge Rocket Brigade has awakened our toddler. I wish we all had some happy pills. I ranted about this last year and true to my word, we’re leaving tomorrow morning for Canada (conveniently, we’re attending a wedding). But perhaps we should have left earlier.



    I enjoy the legal fireworks display, but I always get the feeling that people who “shoot off” fireworks illegally in their neighborhoods are compensating for personal “shortcomings.” Call it the Hummer Effect.



    I live between Admiral and the junction and my neighborhood was remarkably quiet last night. I have my earplugs ready and my cat will be sedated. Now, as long as there are no fires or injuries, I’m good. I’ll sit on my deck and watch the show. I hope all the neighbor dogs don’t have too difficult of a night.



    Please take care of your pets today.

    the safest place for them is in a crate…

    I can’t encourage pet owners enough to crate train their pets… you never know when the unexpected will happen and that crate may save their lives..

    For babies and dogs who can’t be crated… i suggest long rides in the country… do the Mt Baker loop… you will get a double dose of Mother Nature and the kids will eventually get a nap…

    Happy fourth…



    Remember, for all of you heading up to Canada… the Blue Angels will be here next month. Maybe you should extend your stay through the end of summer.

    Happy 4th to all in West Seattle!

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