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August 29, 2008 at 2:46 pm #587913
DianeParticipantMcCain picks Gov Sarah Palin from Alaska for vp
I don’t have time now for more comment
except, yikes!
will that hurt Obama?
August 29, 2008 at 2:50 pm #636146
walfredoMemberIt would seem that this completely takes the “not ready to be president” argument based on inexperience completely off the table for the McCain campaign. His running mate being younger, and having far less overall, and national security experience then Obama. She would be next in line to a 73-year old man, so clearly the McCain campaign must believe she has the experience to be president.
August 29, 2008 at 3:02 pm #636147
kParticipantthis will not hurt obama. if anything this helps him. mccain picking an inexperienced vp is a huge mistake. sadly, i also know a ton of old school republicans who believe woman shouldn’t even receive equal pay in the workplace. i’m sure they aren’t so happy with this choice.
August 29, 2008 at 3:28 pm #636148
acemotelParticipantA blatant strategic political move. It shows the Republicans are desperate.
August 29, 2008 at 3:34 pm #636149
JenVMemberI started a post at the same time as Diane…great minds think alike. ;)
August 29, 2008 at 3:38 pm #636150
JoBParticipantHillary was not just any woman…
and i find it hard to believe that just any woman will do.
but i bet this stole a lot of Obama thunder on the major networks…
August 29, 2008 at 3:51 pm #636151
WSBKeymasterOK, well, at least that caps it at 24 years between XX-chromosomed people on major-party tickets.
But I have to go along with the writer whose account I just read, calling it a “startling selection.”
I just got up, Patrick walked in the living room as I was firing up the MacBook and he said “McCain picked Alaska governor Sarah Palin.”
“You’re kidding.”
“No, I’m not.”
“No, seriously. You’re kidding.”
“No, I’m NOT.”
“Remember, we got a bumper sticker for her.”
(Somebody inexplicably sent us a Palin bumper sticker some months back.)
Me again: “WHO?”
I really didn’t believe it till I went to Drudge Report (still the best aggregator anywhere, regardless of whether you are on its operator’s side of the political fence or not – he and his staff have a great nose for what’s news and what’s really new).
The picture Drudge is using needs to be swapped for one with more gravitas … I hope the McCain campaign’s working on that!
August 29, 2008 at 3:53 pm #636152
charlabobParticipantIt would hurt Obama, if, we were only interested in a random woman — if we were random equal opportunity fools, as is frequently charged.
Not only is this woman under investigation for trying to get her brother-in-law fired, she was a Pat Buchanan supporter and *he* thinks she’s a lame choice.
Now we’ll see if the extreme right is the real advocate of “quota/any woman will do”.
We thought we had to learn to be tough — now, we just have to work on patronizing condescending.
JoB, it definitely stole thunder on the early morning shows. Any woman won’t do — that’s what they’re about to find out. Ya’ gotta have more faith in humanity than that — at least this morning :-)
August 29, 2008 at 4:01 pm #636153
JoBParticipantthought it might be a good idea to let the republicans in the room in on who their VP choice is…
i am not impressed.. but they deserve the chance to find something to get behind:)
August 29, 2008 at 4:11 pm #636154
JenVMemberHere is my post- I am hoping we can just consolidate posts so there’s not eighteen posts about Miss Congenialty:
She is anti-choice and anti-gay.
She dismissed Walter Monegan as Commissioner of Public Safety when he refused to fire a trooper who was involved in divorce proceedings with her sister. Nice gross abuse of power.
Yes, politically it is a smart move for McSame to pick a woman for VP running mate – they hope to garner the votes of all the bitter Hilary supporters. But lets say they get elected -when McSame shuffles off this mortal coil, she is so inexperienced- only serving two years as a Governor of a sparsely inhabited state – and not even well. Oh yeah, she was a former beauty queen and Miss Congeniality. It’s almost like the GOP decided to find a woman- any woman – to run.
People will say Obama lacks experience, and just a few years ago was just a state senator. Well, just a few years ago, Sarah Palin was serving on the Wasila city council. Wasila – population 5700.
I hope that women are smart enough not to vote for the McSame ticket just because he’s running with Miss Congeniality.
August 29, 2008 at 4:15 pm #636155
HPMemberTR, I am glad to know I am not the only one who had never heard of this woman. And if you didnt even know who she is i can only imagine the rest of the country going “WHO?” as well.
August 29, 2008 at 4:39 pm #636156
HPMemberI just watched him introduce her and now her acceptance speech she just said her husband is a champion snow machine racer huh? and they are celebrating their 20th anniversary today . sorry but who cares its almost as if i am watching a pta president acceptance speech. omg she just said it she was in the pta then mayor of her small town,then gov, and she claims to have stood up to the good ole boy network …are you freakin kidding me you just joined the good ole boy network honey! wow i think ole johnny mccain is getting a little senile.
August 29, 2008 at 4:40 pm #636157
JenVMemberHP- how can you NOT know who the runner up in the 1984 Miss Alaska contest is? ;)
August 29, 2008 at 4:40 pm #636158
GenHillOneParticipantSenility has set in – he has officially lost his mind. The fact that Palin is having to give her political resume right now to the Dayton crowd is sort of sad. Charla, you must not have been watching the Today Show because they broke in once, and while making the announcement, it got cut off…they went back to the Pussycat Dolls performance and never came back. hehe
August 29, 2008 at 4:41 pm #636159
kiridaParticipantMy new hipster bumper sticker: Epic Failin’ with Sarah Palin!
August 29, 2008 at 4:52 pm #636160
SuitsarenotBoringMemberI have to say, it is a pretty brilliant pick for him. She is young and a woman, which gives the R ticket something it has lacked. She is “just a PTA and hockey mom,” which is similar to what Patty Murray used all those years ago. Plus, she is conservative on the issues, which will attract the base – and some bitter Clinton supporters who don’t read the issues and want to vote for a woman.
I also don’t think it will be a fatal blow to the Obama campaign. If anything, this now makes things interesting – Obama has someone with years of experience and foreign policy cred and McCain has a younger woman who can pull in some of the “soccer mom” crowd.
That said, it certainly won’t change my support for Obama (and I started as a Clinton supporter.)
August 29, 2008 at 5:06 pm #636161
mellaw6565MemberI am an Obama supporter, but I agree with Suits – this will revitalize the Repub base and possibly pick up some women sitting on the fence. She will use her experience as Gov. & Mayor to say she can lead, her husband works as a N.Shore Oil driller and she’ll talk about how her State has managed drilling with environmental protections, she’s a mother of 5 (most recently gave birth to a child with Down’s Syndrome in April) and one of her sons is in active military service. She’s also known as a “maverick” for bucking Repub. platforms/issues on occasion.
I’m not a fan, but I don’t think it’s as dumb a move as people think – it will temporarily revitalize his campaign. Let’s hope it is truly “temporary” and Hillary women won’t be fooled.
August 29, 2008 at 5:10 pm #636162
JenVMemberthis just in from gossip site TMZ.com:
“Before she was named McCain’s Vice Presidential nominee today, no one except for the seven people who live in Alaska ever heard of Gov. Sarah Palin — or that she came in second place at the 1984 Miss Alaska pageant.Palin did win Miss Wasilla and the coveted Miss Congeniality award. So who cares what her economic plan is?”
ROTFLMAO, as they say…
August 29, 2008 at 5:18 pm #636163
charlabobParticipantI actually had heard of her because the state legislature voted to investigate her attempt to fire the state trooper who divorced her sister.
Damn, I missed the Pussy Cat Dolls — I have to read TV Guide more carefully.
And, if only she *were* related to Michael Palin.
I could be setting myself up for a real disappointment, but I have much more faith in my gender than that. Now, if he’d nominated Carly Fiorino (sp?) we might have a batttle. :-)
August 29, 2008 at 5:22 pm #636164
JenVMembercharla, you’re having entirely too much fun with this news….
August 29, 2008 at 5:22 pm #636165
RainyDay1235MemberLOL, I have to agree that move seems rather desperate. I love it.
Speaking of: Mike Huckabee was on Colbert Report last night and was great – as always. I really like the guy for his insights and deadpan humor, too bad he’s a crazy right-wing creationist Republican. He gave a great speech about Obama and the “race card’ at the end though (at 5:05)…
August 29, 2008 at 5:27 pm #636166
mellaw6565MemberCharla – she reminds me of the woman on the tv commercial:
“I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in the pan, never ever let you forget you’re a man…..” (pulls glasses off, hair pin out and hair flows around her face in a sexy look)
August 29, 2008 at 5:28 pm #636167
AnonymousInactiveAs a Republican, I am not happy with the choice.
I understand the reasoning behind it, but agree with most here, in the sense that their thought must have been: a woman, any woman, will do.
I have heard of her, like charla, because of the scandal. I did not know that she was runner-up in the 1984 Miss Alaska pageant, so that’s interesting.
I’m just glad it wasn’t Romney.
August 29, 2008 at 5:31 pm #636168
JenVMemberfor once, NR – we agree on something! :) Romney is a scary dude.
cheers all and have a great weekend!
August 29, 2008 at 5:36 pm #636169
HPMemberi dont think she will sway too many women over or off the fence other than her pagent sisters, i am also a soccer mom but in no way does she give me an ounce more confidence in that ticket.
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