Link to a map of hard liquor applications.

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    I thought this was an interesting way to see who has applied to sell hard liquor.



    Thanks for that link hollyplace. Nice to see that the troubled Walgreens @35th Avenue in between Morgan and Graham has applied for a hard liquor license. (Sarcasm here.)



    I do not see The Metropolitan Market on that map. I was hoping they would sell liquor.



    Maybe the Post Office will apply? Finally, they turn a profit!




    jwws-I had seen that and done the survey, but neither the WSB story nor the linked survey say specifically that the Metropolitan will certainly carry liquor. It’s possible that the survey is merely to gauge interest, which might explain why they’re not on the map. (I’m hoping the reason the Metropolitan isn’t on the map is because of an oversight).



    @bettytheyeti – “trouble Walgreens”? Why is it troubled–because there are low-income non-whites who shop there?



    Well this is disappointing. I heard that every 7-11 within 100 yards of an elementary school would have liquor so that I could make multiple stops on my drive home when I ran out. But that turned out to be a lie!



    Guys – here’s why I haven’t run that link.

    A. We have already reported all the liquor licenses for this area that have been applied for. Except Target, which showed up on the list this morning. I have not seen Walgreens.

    B. IT IS NOT A FINAL LIST. Applications come in here and there. This is incremental. Metropolitan Market, for example, as featured on the main page yesterday, is asking for liquor opinions. They haven’t applied yet but obviously will. With sales not starting before June 1st, there’s plenty of time for anywhere from one more to 100 more WS stores to apply. **There is no deadline.**

    C. Some of the data is old. Albertsons in White Center is no longer valid since it’s been sold (see our White Center Now story from last week).

    Justin put together the map (from CHS) and I love him, but it was meant for a different purpose, for his site. KING picked it up. We will continue to report on liquor-license applications as they are filed; we watch that site daily since we also learn about new restaurants/bars that way :)



    Genesee Hill

    Really, TR, ban me from this blog forever.

    (editor’s note – personal attack deleted but I am leaving the first line because I need to respond)



    We don’t ban people. That’s impossible. You are welcome to not read. You also can use the “ignore” feature on any one of any particular user’s posts and you will never see their posts again until and unless you cancel the “ignore.”



    @villagegreen I refer to WSB post about the car break-in at Walgreens parking lot recently- attempted dognapping and the many post about the adjacent “South Seattle Market” gas station Ne’er-do-wells. No fear, the gas station probably has too small a square footage to apply for hard liquor license.

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